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I watch Jermey as he tries to fold his clothes without success.
"Are really that dumb? Can you not even fold clothes?", I speak up and walk over to him.
"I can fold clothes but right now I'm mad"
"Mad for what?", I raise an eyebrow.
"I was with my sister and now I'm here with you!", he throws his clothes and the bed and runs his fingers trough his hair. I just stare at him.
"People would die to be with me", I laugh, "Plus you agreed to do this for a week"

"Yes I di-" " I even asked nicely", I cut him off.
"You kidnapped me and then punched with your magic me until I said yes!", he stares at me. "Well Jermey, that was nice! If you were somebody else I would've cut your fingers off until you said yes!", I whisper shout.
"Well thank you Brianna for not doing that!", he whisperes shouts back.

"Why are we whispering?", I whisper.
"I don't know you started it", he whispers. We look at each other and begin to laugh.

"Wanna watch a movie?", I ask him.
"Yeah let me shower first", he nods. I nod smiling. "I can fold your clothes while you're in the shower"
He nods and makes his way to the shower.

Is it mean to think about Kai right know? All I think about is Kai, like he has me in some sorta spell. Just stop Brianna. I  used Jermey as an distraction for Kai and it worked but I think I might need to do it again.

Everything was perfect until Kai had to fuck his ex or whatever they were. I'm might be a monster but not a home wrecker. He was with her while we were fucking. That's just cruel.
Ugh just shut up Brianna.

I snap my fingers and Jermeys clothes fold. I sigh and walk over to the kitchen. I open the fridge and get blood.  I drink it and immediately feel better. What's gonna be my next move?

I can't think of that right know. I hear footsteps behind me. I turned around and see Jeremy standing behind me.
"That was fast"
"Yeah guys don't take that long", he shrugs.
I just noticed that he only has a towel around his torso. I immediately cover my eyes.
"Go change"
"Don't panic, sweetheart. You see me like this at the swimming pool too"
"J-Just go" 

He laughs and I hear him going away. I sigh

This is going to be a long night.

Hey I know this ain't long but I'm really under stress right now so please be patient. Thank you for understanding:))

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