20. Deja Vu

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*Smut warning!* + language

Next Morning

"I can't just come back after what happend", I say sighing. Klaus raises his eyebrows and smiles a little.
"Of course you can do, darling. We're family,remember?", he sits down infront of me.
"No,no you're right. I can go back to New Orleans cause I had every right to be mad"
He nods and takes a bite out of his Avocado bread.

Klaus and I had a sleep over and talked about random stuff. I really needed that, not just with anybody. We always used to do these sleep overs when someone wasn't feeling good. So we sat down and talked about the most random stuff. 

I mean I know them now for 150 years and we went trough so much together, of course we are close.
Of course we fucked when no was looking but that doesn't matter, does it?

I mean he's good at it and it's very big. Anyways we are having breakfast at my favorite coffee shop. They make the best Avocado Toast!

"Are you going to talk to him?", he asks watching me intensely. I shrug.
"Don't know and don't care"
He chuckles and leans over to the table with a smirk plastered on his face.

"What?", I ask confused
"Don't look but he's over there watching us. Doesn't seem like he doesn't care", he winks.
I smile and turn around to see if he's really standing there. I turn around and see him at a table with a blonde girl, watching us. As soon as we make eye contact he looks away.

"I said do not turn around!", Klaus says and hits me at the back of my head.
"Shit!", I say quickly turning around with big eyes. Klaus looks at me confused.
"Want me to kill him?"
I look at him:"What?No!"
"Then why did you say 'shit'?" , he leans back at his chair.
"I told him that me and Jeremy are talking and he told me that he would get any girl"
"Well, Jeremy is over there", he says pointing at the door. I turn around and see Jeremy walking in.
"JEREMY", he shouts. I look wide eyed to Klaus

"What are you doing?!", I whisper shout.
"Helping you out", he simply says. Jeremy sees us, waves and comes over to our table. Klaus stand up and looks at me. I give him a 'don't do this to me' look. He smiles and turns to Jeremy:

"Nice to see you, Jeremy. Would you mind and sit down with Brianna over here, so she won't be so alone", he says pointing at me.

I Akwardly smile and wave. He smiles back and sits down.

"Don't worry! I wanted to talk to her anyways", Jeremy says and smiles.
Klaus smiles and leaves.

"How are you, Jeremy?"
"I'm actually doing great! How are you doing? I heard the thing with the whole soulmate thing. Must be really hard for you", he says leaning forward. I smile slightly.

At least he cares.
"Yeah it has been. I saw him again and he said that he doesn't give a shit about me", I look down.

Jeremy puts his hand on mine, making me look up. I look into his eyes, they are filled with empathy. But it isn't his eyes that I want to
look into. The one that I want is sitting behind me with a different girl and I'm over here with the boy I lied about having feelings for.

"I'm here if you need anyone. I know you don't want to know but he's right behind you giving me the death stare", he says and I turn around for a second and meet his blue eyes but I turn around back to the brown ones," I don't think that he doesn't care"

I roll my eyes.
"Well trust me, I can easily delete someone from my life without even regretting it, for the rest of my sucky life. So I don't care", I say coldly.

And it's true, I can do it. Well, usually.

This time it's different, like he has me under some spell.

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