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Buzz* Buzzz*

I groan with my face in my pillow.
Buzz* Buzz*
I search for my phone with my hand and my face still in the Pillow.

When I finally find it I lift my head and see that Damon is calling. I press decline and smash my face back into the pillow.
I've been ignoring everyone the past 3 days. I'm only in my bed and only stand up for food or the toilet.

Feelings suck

I miss the time where I didn't care but now all I think about is him.


Buzz* Buzz*

I groan again and pick up my phone with my face still in my pillow.

"Can you leave alone?", I muffle into my pillow
"Hello to you too. Anyways we have a Kai problem",Damon says
"And you want me to come... We'll Kai and I are not on good terms right know"
"Why? Wasn't he all over you?"
"Noo, Klaus was all over Caroline. But we talked for a few minutes and that's all over me?", I ask and turn so that I'm facing the ceiling. "He always talked about how you guys were in love so get your ass out of bed and get ready. I'm waiting in the fancy lobby"

"You know my address?" , I sit up.
"Liv was so kind to do a locator spell", he says
I humm
"What did Kai do?", I ask and put Damon on speaker while searching for an outfit.
"He kidnapped Elena. I was about to go to the school where Kai is keeping Elena hostage but Liv disappeared and Jo is weak"
"Why do you need a witch?"
"Invisible spell"
"Ahhh hang up. I'll be down in a few"

Damon hangs up and I put on my outfit.

I have a blape jacket in red,under it a white top, grey joggers, a red cap and red Jordan's.

I look good.

7 mins later

I  get down and see Damon waiting for me

"Let's go", I say and start walking out and straight to his car.

I get in and he does the same. He starts the car and begins to drive. I look outside the window and feel Damon's glaze at me.

"What?", I ask without looking at him.
"You look tired", he says turning his gaze back to the road.
I look at him
"Yeah, didn't know emotions are that hard. I mean they weren't completely gone but still.."

He looks at me with a shocked impression
"The curse broke?!"
I nod
"How?!"  I look down to my lap
"Long story short, I kissed Kai and umm the curse broke"
He sighs and rolls his eyes
"Why would you even kiss him?"
"I have my needs, Damon. I mean who doesn't after being 4 months locked away"
He rolls his eyes
"Can I still kill him?" , he asks."No! Damon, you are not going to hurt him and if you do I'll kill Elena infront of your eyes slowly"
He chuckles
"Chill you big scary vampire"

I roll my eyes
"Just drive and let's get this over"

We arrive infront of the school and I do the spell to make us invisible.


We go in slowly

"Let's grab Elena and get out fast", I say and walk faster. Damon starts walking faster too but we stop when we hear different footsteps.

Out of the corner Kai appears with soda in his hand. Damon and I stop in our tracks to see if he sees us.
An it does, cause Kai walked past me to the trash can. He throws the soda can into the recycling ban and turns around. First he look around and then starts walking again.

"At least he recycles", Damon says.
"That's weird", I say completely ignoring what he just said.
"What?", Damon asks me. "He's a siphoner, shouldn't he be able to feel the magic?"
I look at Damon and he shrugges his shoulders.

"I don't care. Let's get Elena", he says and begins to walk and I follow him.

We enter the Cafeteria and see Elena tied up to one of the tables. Damon unties her and you can clearly see the confusion on her face until she sees us.

"If you can see us that means you joined the party", Damon says and Elena immediately hugs Damon.

"I hate to cut the reunion short but I really don't want to see Kai", I lie

Elena turns to me and gives me a warm smile. Suddenly she hugs me too. I look at her confused and then to Damon. Damon just nods with a small smile and I Akwardly pad Elenas back.
But I pull back as fast as I could.

"Let's go", Elena says smiling

Her and Damon start walking towards the exit but she suddenly stops walking.
"Kai melted my ring", she says and touches her hand
"Great! We can use the tunnels", Damon says and starts walking the other way.
He drags Elena and I just follow them annoyed.

We were near the tunnels until I felt the invisible spell wash away. I stop walking confused. How? I'm strong, it can't just go away unless....


"Guys!", I shout to the couple a few feet infront of me. They turn around confused at first but something behind me makes their expressions change fast.
I turn around and see him.

"Hey, Brinnie!"
I roll my eyes

"How did you know?", Elena asks in a weird way. I narrow my eyebrows.
"I felt Brinnies magic plus it was kinda obvious that you guys would come here to rescue Crazy pants",Kai explains.
"I get it. Now if you don't mind we have better things to do", I say

I was about to turn around until he spoke again.
"Ouch,Brinnie. After all we are Soulmates", he says smirking
"You guys are what?", Elena asks confused
"I'll fill you in later",Damon says 

Kai and I stare deeply into each other eyes with mixed emotions. I take a step forward and so does he. Suddenly he raises his hands and flicks them and the next thing I hear is a snap.
Everything goes black and I feel my body fall down.


Sorry for this short chapter

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