19.I'm sorry

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Salvatore Borading house

I enter the boarding house and close the door behind me. I look into the living room and see no one.

I furrow my eyebrows confused.

I start walking into the living room slowly, just in case. I take step by step and still don't see anyone. We have a small step into the living room and I'm taking that step right now. I look to my right and see no one. I look to my left and see no one too.
I straightened myself and look around confused.


No answer 


"I'm in the  kitchen!", I hear Stefans voice.
I think before I go because why didn't he answer? I shrug and go.

"It's probably nothing"

I walk into the kitchen and see Stefan cooking. He turns around and smiles at me. He has a cloth in in hand and puts it around his shoulder. His body turns to me and he begins to walk forward.
I'm still at the same spot and look at him confused as he comes nearer.

"Hi! Missed you", he hugs me
I don't hug him back instead I push him off. Something is definitely off.
My hands are in his shoulders and I look him deep in the eyes. His eyes are kinda more blueish today. He kinda smells different too.

"Are you okay?", I Ask and he nods and turns around again. I move out of my spot and go to a chair at the kitchen island. My hand is on the island  and the other one is supporting my head. He turns around again and gives me a plate with Pasta on it?

I look up from my palate and look at him. I see him sitting down infront of me with also pasta in his plate.
"What's going on?",I ask
He looks up
"Nothing, just wanted your advice"
I raise my right eyebrow
"It's about Caroline and I need your advice. Happy? I made you even your favorite food cause I know you won't talk to me until you have food",he says smiling.

'What the hell?'

I take my fork and take the pasta into my mouth. Holy shit.

"This is amazing", I say smiling like a child
"I know right"
I stop smiling and look up to him and he looks at me too. He looks confused why I stopped smiling.

"I never told you that pasta is my favorite food"
He chuckles
"Yes, you did" , he says smiling.
I shake my head slowly.
"And you can't even cook this good. You hate Pasta" , I say seriously and place my fork down.
"I learned it for you and maybe I change my mind about pasta. Why are asking these questions,Brinnie?"

Oh my 

I immediately stand up and flick my hand. Stefan flies against the wall.

"What do you want? Didn't I make it clear that I don't want to talk you you?", I whisper shout at him.
He starts to laugh.
"Oh oh. Brinnie got me", he says and flicks his hand too. Suddenly a strong wind pushes me back and he goes to his original form.

"I want to talk to you. You can't ignore me", he says. "I will , watch me", I say and try to walk past him but he stops me with his hand.
His hand wraps around my waist as he pushes me against the wall.

I groan and look up to him. His arms are around me so I can't escape and his body his dangerously close to me. I feel his hot breath hit my face. 


"What do you want to talk about exactly,Kai?"
"You are my fucking soulmate! You can't keep ignoring me!", he slams the right hand on the wall making me jump a little.

I roll my eyes

"Look Kai. I don't love you and it will never fucking happen. Just because your my soulmate doesn't mean that I love you. I like somebody else". I say coldly staring into his face.
"You're fucking mine! Understood?! I'm going to kill every man who lays a hand an you", he threatens and his right and moves to my back, getting lower and lower," And even if it's every man on this Stupid planet. I will do it! I don't like to share what's mine", he says getting his face closer.

I get goosebumps all over my body. My knees feel like I'm going to collapse every minute. Oh God what is he doing to me?

"I can't stop thinking about you. All the things that I want to do to you. Fuck, Brianna!"

His face get closer until our nose touch. He look at my lips and I look at his.

They look so good right now! I want to taste them so bad. 

I put my hand on his cheek  and stroke it with my thump. Fuck this!
I pull him closer and our lips meet. His left hand goes behind my head and pulls me closer. His right hand is on my back and he pulls me closer there too.

We both touch each other every where. It's like I can't get enough of him and he can't get enough of me. I feel his tounge asking for permission to enter my my mouth.

When I don't answer he slaps my butt, making me gasp. He takes this chance to enter his tounge. Our tounges meet and immediately start to dance with each other.I play with his hair and I accidentally pull it. He moans slightly. "Fuck"

I don't want this to stop but it has to. This make out is not out of love. It's just pure lust.

I pull back and look at him. His eyes are filled with lust and his hair is messy.
"Sorry, this is just out of lust and not love"
"W-What do you mean? Is the boy you like?"

'It's you. It's you that I like. It's you that I want to wake next up to. It's you that I want to watch Tv with. I only want you to touch my body. I want to make you smile, like no one else.'

Instead of saying anything, I nod.
He clears his throat. "Who is it?", he asks
I don't know, all I know that I want to be with you. I know that I can't say all that so instead of that I say:"Jeremy"

He nods and looks down. When he looks back up all the lust was gone and instead filled with sadness.
"Cool, Good luck to y'all"
"Thanks", I look down embarrassed.
"I understand. But just don't come graveling to me."  I look up "I wasn't planning to"


"And you were right. It was all just lust", he starts to smile," I tought you were easy to manipulate since this whole 'Soulmate' thing. Don't ever think that I actually wanted something from you"

He starts to smile harder and walks past me out of the house. When I hear the door close, I turn around. I'm still shocked at what happend. I didn't even notice that I was crying until I felt it at my chin.

Shit. He must think that I'm weak now.  I wipe it away and take a deep breath. I hear some footsteps coming near. I look up and see Klaus standing there. He smiles at me and stretches his arms out, in hug. 
Without even thinking I run into his arms and hug him tightly. He hugs me back and let's my back. 

His hugs are my favorite ones. 
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry alll the things I said", I sob
"Pshh. I'm the one to apologize. I'm so sorry. But right now you shouldn't go alone through your emotions", he says
I chuckle
"Klaus Mikaelson apologizing, something you don't hear all day", I smile trough my tears and he chuckles

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