23.No pain

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Same day 

I'm laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

'That Idiot really thinks that I need him. I'm motherfucking Brianna Salvatore, I don't need anyone.'


I sigh and sit up. I never been this bored before. What time even is it? I take a look at my phone and see it's 8pm and no messages.

Isn't he going to apologize? Well I'm not. And why would I? Am I going to apologize about knowing my worth? Asshole.

Anyways I get up and go to the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror and sigh.
'I need a shower' 
I strip my clothes down and enter my shower. I turn it on and the warm water immediately hits me.
My body relaxes. I take the shampoo and wash my hair with it. I do the other things you do in a shower and step out.
I take a white towel and wrap it around my body. I snap my fingers and my wet hair drys in seconds. 

I walk over to my closet and search for something comfortable. I find grey sweat shorts and a white hoodie. I put them on with some white fuzzy socks.

Suddenly I hear something in the living room. A heart beat. I slowly walk over to the living room but see no one. I use my vamp hearing to head the heart beat. My heart starts beating faster and faster. The heart beat is right behind me.

I turn around and before I knew it everything went black.

Damon's POV

I wander around the room. Where could she be? I turn around to the desk sitting in my couch.

"Kai, for the last time. Where is she? I know you did something to her"
"How am I supposed to know?", he shrugs and drinks his bourbon.  I roll my eyes.
"Where is my sister?", Jeremy asks. Kai sighs and places his drink on the table.
"Better question is where is Brianna?", he asks and leans forward. I raise my eyebrow.

"She's probably at home", I shrug.
"So you're not gonna worry about your sister but about your Girlfriend?"
"Look we just want to know where Elena is",Stefan asks ,joining our conversation.
"We had a fight two days ago and since I haven't heard from her. I mean I tried to call her but she didn't pick up", Jeremy informs us.

"She probably is acting depressed", I shrug
"Look, I don't know where Elena is so could I please go?", Kai asks.

Anger builds up in me. My Girlfriend is now missing for 2 days and no one has heard from her.

"The funny thing is", Kai starts," Tou guys haven't heard from Elena in 2 days and you guys go crazy but when Brinnie disappears for 2 days y'all are clam? Doesn't sit right with me"

"Mind your own business", Jeremy fires back.
Kai shakes his head with a smile.
"Do you guys really care about her or just her magic?", he smiles.
"Alright buddy if your not gonna tell us where she is, we are searching ourselves", I say and pat Jeremy's shoulder.

"We could ask Brianna to do a locator spell", Stefan suggest.
"Or Bonnie", Jeremy adds
"Bonnie has been trough hell, give her a break", Stefan says. I nod.
"Let's go over to Brianna's", Stefan says and Kai stands up.

"Woah , where are you going buddy?", I ask
"You guys don't know where she lives", he says in a duh voice.

Brianna's POV

It has been two days since I was kidnapped. Turns out Elena was kidnapped too, by the same disgusting men.
We're in this grey room with nothing in it besides us on chairs, tied up.

The door cracks open and the same men, that I have to see everyday, comes in.

"Are you here to torture me? Well we both know it's not gonna work", I smirk. 
"Yeah... for some magical reason", he says
He takes a  half stick from a Umbrella and  stabs me with it in the thigh.
I look into his eyes. His eyes are searching for a reaction but there is nothing. Not even a wince.

"I'm going to find out how to end you", he says and leaves. I laugh and turn to Elena, who is sitting infront of me. Elena stares at me in shook.

"What?", I ask
I shrug with a smile
"Are you even from this world?", she asks
I smirk
"Not quite"

Kai's POV 

We all enter Brianna's apartment. I unlocked it with my magic.

"I just quite don't understand she we won't use Kai's magic", Jeremy asks.
"He's not that good like Brianna", Damon's says and looks around.
"Hey! You're talking to a future leader", I put my hand on my heart, acting offended.
"You wish", is all he said and walked forward.

All three of them are going towards the living room but I go into the kitchen. Nothing special but something caught my eyes. A blue note.
I pick it up and my heart immediately starts to beat faster as soon as I recognize the writing.

"GUYS!", I shout. They all come in running.
"What?", Stefan asks. I give him the note and he reads out loud:

Found your Soulmate, Kai. Remember I promised that I'll ruin every chance of happiness for you. You have 3 days to find her
Good luck:)        Oh and I have Elena too!

His eyes widen.
"Kai who is this?", Jeremy asks. I take a deep breath before answering:

"My Dad"

Hey, I know it's short but whatever. I just had the best idea for the ending, I'm so excited to share it with you:)))
Anyways don't forget to drink water and remember healing takes time💕

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