44.Brianna Parker

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"I want the first one to be a boy ,then a girl and then twins", he smiles
"Twins?",I raise my eyebrow. He nods proudly
"So they can be the next generation of the coven leader"

"What? But whyyy?",he cries
"Because they're gonna merge!"
"Oh yeah right. Then forget it",he sighs.
"Do you think theres a loophole?", I ask
"Well I'm a vampire and I never die neither do I get old soooo-"
"They don't have to merge thanks to you", I finish his sentence.

He nods and I smile
"We could find a loophole to get you pregnant", Kai suggest.
"That's how my mom died, dumbfuvk"
"Oh yeah right", he burst out laughing and I join him.

After calming down we're silent for a few minutes.
"Do you have name ideas?", he spoke up.
"Hmm no but I would love to name the girl Ziya"
"Ziya?", he asks confused. "Ziya means beauty and glow of light"
"That's actually not that bad"
"Ziya Josephine Parker"

He looks at me more confused than before: "That doesn't sound good"
"Josephine is inspired by your sister you asshole", I roll my eyes.
"By my SISTER?!?! The one I KILLED?"

I nod
"That's the last thing we could do"
"You officially lost your mind"
"But Kai-"

He puts his finger on my mouth and shushes me :"Shhhhh lets talk about more names"

"Anisha Daaria Parker"
"Can we stop with the middle names??"
I roll my eyes:"Fine Anisha Parker"
"Better",he smiles,"But why Anisha?"
"When my brothers died I ran away and I obviously didn't went to New Orleans first. I went to a small town named 'Telluride' in Colorado. I was homeless and a women named Anisha took care of me but  5 months later she died and I had to  move on"

"Ohhhh poor women"
"She was really nice, I liked her. I saw her as a mother figure", I look down sad," Can we give Anisha a middle name pleaaassseee??"

Kai sighs:"Fine"
"Anisha Janet Parker", I smile proudly
"Janet as in your mother Janet?"
I nod
"I'm fine with that"

There's a moment of silence before I realized something:" KAI"
„When we were younger we said that we're gonna name or kids Blade and Isabelle"
"Blade is cool but let's change the Isabelle", he shrugs. I nod, agreeing with him. 

We both stay silent and enjoy each others company.

My phone starts ringing and I look at the called ID to see who it is. It's Damon.

"Hi Damon!"
"Uh hi Brianna", he sounds worried. I glance at Kai and he seem to be interested too.
"What's wrong?", I ask Damon.
"We kinda need your help"
"Yeah sure, what's up?"
He takes a deep sigh before continuing:
"So the devil is kinda here in Mystic falls"
"Wait what?"
"The devil", Damon repeats.

I look at Kai and he looks also confused.
"Damon, Kai and I were gone for what? 2 days? And now you're telling me the devil is here in town?", I laugh at the end sarcastically.
"Brianna", Damon sighs," You have been gone for 2 months"

My heart stops for a second as I look to Kai, who also seems like he just has seen a ghost.
"T-that's not possible. What are you talking about?"
"The devil made a spell on you", Damon quickly says.
"What fucking spell Damon?", Kai asks.
"He stopped time for you. What felt like 2 days in your Appartement were actually 2 months in the real world", Damon explains.
"What the f-", I stare at my phone.
"We went to your apartment but no one was there, as if you guys ran away. The devil just informed us that you're back"

"Does "the devil" have a name?", Kai asks.
"Kathrine Pierce"
I laugh:" Katherine Pierce? Are you fucking kidding me?"
Kai chuckles as we look at each other
"Well we killed the real devil but Kathrine seduced the devil and they made a deal that if he dies she becomes the new devil",Damon explains.

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