13. Promise

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*Buzz *Buzzzz
*Buzzz Buzzz
I turn over to the other side of my bed to grab my phone,which is ringing for the 3th time.

I pick up my phone from my nightstand and without checking the caller ID I pick it up.

"Morning to you too? Anyways I need you to come over"
"Who is this?",I ask
"It's Damon"
"Ohhh,hi. Wait,what time is it?"
"Oh okay,bye", I say and hang up.

I turn over again and ready to sleep but my phone rings again. I turn over and pick up my phone.

"What do you want,Damster?"
"You need to come over,Brie Cheese", he says making me roll my eyes.
"Why would I do that?"
"Because they wanted to apologize and we need your help"
"1. Of all they wanted to apologize? What about you? And 2. Of all not even 24 hours ago I tell you guys that I'm a powerful witch and now you're using me? Excuse you?"

He pauses
"Look I'm not sorry for trying to find out about my sisters species since you obviously don't trust us", he starts and I cut him off.
"Duh. I mean why would I? We haven't seen in other in Decades", I say while standing up from my comfortable bed.
"You really love cutting people off, don't you?",he asks.
"Yup", I say popping the 'p'.
"I was about to say that we don't need you because of your magic",he explains," We need you because Kai is back"

I stay still.'He's back?'
"Why would I care?", I ask.
"Cause you guys are friends and I need you to watch him for me"
I start walking to my bathroom.
"Damon, we were friends plus I'm not gonna watch a 40 year old in 22 year old body!"

Ups I lied. We were more that friends.

"You guys have a complicated relationship but we all saw how you guys looked at each other in the Prison World. You guys had history!"

I enter the big bathroom and look at myself in the mirror and then lean my back against the counter of the sink.
"Still don't get why I'm important", I say and accidentally fart loud,"ups haha"
"Ew. Are you sure we're related?"
"Ehh a little", I say and he chuckles
"I'll be over in 30 cause I need to poop so bad"
"Brianna stop. I don't want to hear about it"

I laugh and hang up but I didn't lie tough. I really do need to poop.

10min later

I didn't take me long to poop brush my hair and teeth. It was one of those Good poops.

Ew why am I talking about poops.

Anyway this is what I'm wearing: 

(Imagine whatever you want but I love this outfit)

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(Imagine whatever you want but I love this outfit)

I decided to put on some make up and do my hair.
It's actually the first time in a long time that I got ready for something again.
Usually I look homeless.
I'm not trying to impress anyone,well besides Kai cause maybe we could have a one night stand? Who knows.
I look at the time and it's 9:20 so I decided to get into my car and drive to the ugly ass rented house.

5min later

I knock at the door and after some moments the door opens.

"Come in", Stefan says while taking a step back so I Could walk in.

We both go into the living room where Damon was sitting on the couch drinking his Bourbon.

I look around confused.

"Where is the rest?",I ask sitting next to him and Stefan sitting infront of us.
"Not here",Damon says putting his empty glass down onto the table in the middle.
"Why? Don't you need your girlfriend?"
He rolls his eyes.
"Elena erased all her good memories about me"
"Whaaatt? Since when?", I ask.
"Elena couldn't handle the death of Damon so she had Alaric compel her feelings away",Stefan says leaning over and resting his arms on his knees.

I nod.
"Kai is back and you guys want me to babysit him?", I ask changing the subject.

They nod
"But first we have to get Enzo back",Damon says.
"I have him to a Vampire hunter and we need him back so he won't tell him that we're Vampires too",Stefan explains.

"How am I important?", I ask
"Just in case we need your magic",Damon says smiling at me while pouring himself another drink.

I roll my eyes and agree.
"Ok let's go", I say while standing up.
"Not yet",Damon says
I look at him confused.
"I'm going to Elenas dorm", he says while walking towards the door.
"Creep", Stefan and I sag at the same time


Stefan and I are now at a restaurant eating and talking about what I missed.

"So you're telling me, you dated Elena first?"

He nods
"Ouch.. and you're sure she's not Katherine?"
He laughs and takes a raspberry in his mouth.
"She's different", he says
"ShE iS dIffrEnT",I mock him," you sound ridiculous"

I take a sip from my strawberry milkshake.
"Bri, I was in love with her", he says," I think you know what being in Love means"
"She doesn't deserve you"
"Oh god! I'm not talking with you about who I should love or not"

I laugh
"I mean I saw the way you and Caroline looked at each other", I say while wiggling my eyebrows.

He smiles to himself
"My brother is in looove",I tease
"I think you should tell her", I say and take a sip of my milkshake again.

"I'm not listening to you"
"Well please don't listen to Damon"

He laughs and I join in.
I never had so much fun in a while.

"What about you?", he suddenly asks.
I look at him confused.
"Have you been in love?",he asks and I look down.
His smile vanished and leans forward.
"Brianna, are you okay?"
I look up to him and smile.
"I'm fine"

"You know that you can tell me anything,right?", he says.
I nod
"I honestly don't. After the day you died my life hasn't been so great. I needed you and you were living your life. I don't blame you"

He looks down
"I know but we have each other again and I promise you I'll be there for you"

I smile
"Ok, please don't judge me", I beg
"I won't", he says and gives me a warm smile.

I was about to begin but his phone started ringing.
He looks down and back up

"It's ok. Go on", he says
I shake my head
"I'll tell you after the call. Maybe it's important"

He nods and picks up. He stands up and walks outside to talk there.
I look outside and see that it's already dark out side.

Suddenly he comes back in rushing
"We need to go now!",he says.
"It's Damon"

Hey please try to remember the sentence up there that I wrote in this way.
It's going to be important🤫

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