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"And then he was like 'Hey get the hell out of my house' and I just stared at him 'really? I just killed your wife and that's the thank you I get?'. He was trying to kill me buutt I snapped his neck"
"Sounds annoying", I say while slurping my drink.
He nods.

"We have been here for an hour. When do I get it?", he asks me
"Get what?"
"My kiss,duh", he says while putting his glass onto the table we're sitting at.

"But I'm not with my coffee", I whine
"Yes you are"
I roll my eyes
"Not here!"
"I see what you're doing. Let's go to my apartment", he suggests
"You have a apartment?"
He nods and takes my hand so I could stand up.
"I killed the owner"
I laugh." I compelled myself a apartment"

"I didn't have to hide a body", I giggle
He laughs. "It's actually really fun hanging out with you"
" Wish  I could say the same about you" 

I laugh and walk out of the cafe and he catches up.
We are walking on the sidewalk until he stops at a red car. I look closely and it looks like Stefans but way cooler. I think Kendall Jenner has one of these.

"Is that your car?"
He nods proud
"Wait did you kill the owner?"
"No,I bought it", he answers. I raise my eyebrows.
"How?",I smile
"With the dead men's credit card", he laughs and I join.

"Come on, I'm showing you my apartment", he says and opens the door.
He's pointing at the car with his right hand.
"What a gentleman"
I get into his car and he closes the door. Kai goes to the driver seat.
He pushes a button and the ceiling opens. I watch amazed.

"Fancy", I say
He winks

He starts the car and drives his car.

At his apartment
Kai opens the door to his apartment and I step in. I look around and it's actually not that bad.
He has a huge living room which his connected to his huge kitchen. The kitchen is in black and the floors are marble everywhere. The couches are white with a glass table in the middle. The table is on a soft white carpet and behind it there's a huge Television on the white wall.

"It looks do empty",I say looking around.
"Yeah,that's because you're not here"

I turn my head towards him and giggle and he joins in.
I blop myself onto the couch and he sowas the same next to me.

"Wanna watch a movie?", he asks
I nod smiling like a kid
"Let's watchhh.."
"Finding Nemo!"
"Finding Nemo!"

First we stare at each other than we burst out laughing.
"T-That was we-weird", he says while laughing.
I nod laughing harder.

After a few minutes we claimed ourselves.
"Finding Nemo came out in 2013. How do you know about it?" , I ask
"I watched it yesterday"
"Ohh makes sense"
"Wait let me get some blankets and you can put the movie on", he says and stands up,walking out of the room.
I put on the movie and wait for him. He comes with a black blanket, long enough for us both.
"Why is everything in black and white in your apartment?"
"The owner used to love white and black I guess", he sits down next to me and the movie begins to play.

He puts his arm around my shoulder and brings me closer to him. I put my legs over his  and my head on his shoulder. Not gonna lie he is very comfortable.
I look up to him and he's looking at the TV.
He looks kinda cute and his side profile,damnnn.

"Staring much?"
I nod out of my thoughts and see that Kai is looking at me.
"You have a nice side profile"
He smiles and puts a string of my hair behind my ear. I smile back and we just stare at each other's eyes. He puts his hand on the side of my face. He breaks eye contact to look at my lips while liking his own lips. Kai looks back in my eyes and his eyes are now darker,filled with lust.

He begins to lean in and so do I. I close my eyes and right before we're about to kiss his doorbell rings.

We both sigh and pull back. He stands up and walks to the door. He opens the door and there is a man in his 60's standing there.

"Hello,- who are you young guy?", he asks
"I'm the niece of the person who lives here. And you?"
"I'm Mr.Schwanzibsiski. Can you tell your grandfather that he has to pay the rent?"

I get to the door and wave at him. That old guy waves back confused. I step towards him and look him deep in the eye.
"The guy that used to live here never existed. Kai always lived here and he doesn't have to pay rent or any other stupid shit. Understood?" , I compel him.

Mr.Schwanzibsiski nods and walks away. I roll my eyes and close the door. I turn around and see Kai smirking at me.
"That was hot", he says and steps closer
"Shut up and kiss me"

I pull at his T-shirt and pull in. Our lips connect. He kisses hungrily back and pulls me by my waist closer to him. It's like I can't have enough of him, like I need to touch every part of him and I guess he thinks that too. He slaps my ass and I casp,giving him the opportunity to stick his tongue inside my mouth. Our tongues are dancing with each other.

Suddenly my head starts hurting like crazy making me fall. I look to Kai and he has the same problem.

"What's h-happening?"
The pain stops and we both stand up and look around. Everything starts to shake. A earthquake?
"Get down!", he shouts so I can hear him.
"Motherfucker, don't scream I can perfectly hear you. I'm a Vampire! I need to protect you!"
I pulls me down and we both lay on the floor.He pulls me closer to him and he puts one hand on my head and the other his  on my waist.

The earthquake stops and we both get up confused. I look at him and he looks at me.
"You okay?", he asks
I nod

Around us is now a blue light. It looks like a shield and then realization hits me.
The blue light disappears and we both look into each other eyes, knowing why it happend.

"The curse. It's gone", I say, saying what we both think.
"Yo-We're soulmates?"
I take a deep breath and turn around.
"Where are you going?", he asks
"I need time for myself", I say with tears in my eyes.
Before he can say anything I speed to my apartment.
In seconds I arrive and slam the door. I lean against the door and fall down,sobbing.
All the emotion hit me but love hits me the most. All I'm thinking about is his lips on mine. Butterfly's.
I take a deep breath and sigh. With my hand I wipe the tears and stand up.
I walk to my bedroom and change myself and go straight to bed

What a great day

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