30. Let the games begin

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Elenas POV

It's currently 1am and I'm sitting with Caroline in the living room. She's asleep like everyone else but they're in their room. Damon claims that Brianna is asleep and wouldn't do that at this time but I won't trust him.
"I think I told you to go to sleep",a voice behind me says.

I turn around and see Damon and Stefan standing there.
"She could send the note anytime. I need to be ready", I turn back. "I know our sister, Elena", Stefan says.
"It has been over 150 years, Stefan! Being a Vampire changes somebody plus she has been the Mikaelsons", I snap at them.
"We hung out for a week or so and she was still the same",Stefan tries to argue.
"She could be good at pretending. I mean is Damon the same or you?"

They both say nothing 
"I'm agreeing with her", a familiar voice says behind me. I turn around to see who it is and it's Kai. I smile at him thankfully.
"Would the human Brianna even kidnap a friend? Would human Brianna be so cruel sometimes?", he questions them.

"You're right", Damon finally agrees. He looks like he's going to die since he agreed. He usually doesn't do this so I smile at him and he gives me a small smile back.
"But most importantly, she's doing this with her humanity on", he says.
"Yeah you're right,Kai", I agree with him.
"I know I'm awesome", he smiles.

We all roll our eyes. He's about to go back to his guest room but he stops and turns to us again.
"I know Brianna better than all of you but this time Damon's right. She wouldn't ruin her sleep for anyone cause sleeping is really important to her. She sleeps a lot. So we all should be awake at least at 7 am", he informs us and turns around,to go back asleep.

I look at both brothers and they nod slightly. I lay down next to Caroline and close my eyes, immediately falling asleep.

Brianna's POV

I flutter my eyes open and scratch myself. I look at the clock besides me and see that it's 2pm?
I immediately stand up and go to change myself. I change into grey sweatpants and a white T-shirt.
As I enter the Kitchen I see Jermey sitting at the table. He made pancakes.

"Good Morning sleepyhead", he says.
"Morning? Why did you make breakfast?"
"I was bored. Why did you sleep so long?", he asks me. I shrug
"I wasn't tired" he nods as a response. I sit down next to him and immediately begin to eat. "Mmhh this is good", I say with my mouth full. He chuckles and eats his pancakes too.
"Do you know what you're going to do today? I mean the 'killing' plan", he asks.

"Ohhh, I forgot about it. Ehh not in the mood,maybe later", I shrug.
"They're gonna be worried sick that you already killed me but flash news you're just lazy", Jeremy laughs and I join him.
"Why are we being nice to each other? I mean I literally kidnapped you", I ask him taking another bite. "We dated. I don't know why we broke up or when we did it", he shrugs.

"True", I point my fork at him," but we never made it official, that we're dating, so we never broke up", I shrug.
He smiles slightly before continuing to eat.

After breakfast I cleaned everything with my magic and now we're putting the dishes in the dishwasher.
"That's easy, having magic do everything"
"Nah, sometimes I'm stupid and forget that I even have magic", I smile and he smiles back.
We both keep eye contact.

Suddenly he leans in and right before our lips touch I speak up:" Jeremy we can't do that"
"Why not?", he raises an eyebrow.
"I'm about to kill you!", I whisper shout.
"But you're not actually doing it", he smiles,
"Is it because of Kai being your soulmate?"

"No, soulmates don't have to be lovers", I shake my head. "See, he obviously doesn't like you that way. Y-", I interrupt him with smashing our lips together.

He immediately kissed back and pulls me in by the waist. I put my hand up and he falls down.
"I'm sorry but I have a plan", I tell him.
Obviously he can't hear me since he's sleeping.

'Let the games begin'

Kai's POV

We all sit patiently in the living room, for a note to appear. It's 4pm and there's still nothing. What is she doing?

Suddenly a note appears. All the attention goes to the paper infront of us. Elena takes it carefully and begins to read:

"The first day of project 'Are y'all clever enough to save Jeremy?'
It took awhile because I wasn't in the mood to do anything, anyways. Here is the poem with tips in it, so y'all can find Jeremy:

'He gives his clock a shake,
And screams I've made a bad mistake.
The only other sound's the break,
Of distant waves and birds awake.

The clock is ticking, 5 times and deep,
But he has promises to keep,
Tormented with nightmares he never sleeps,
Revenge is a promise a man should keep'

That was the poem! It's 5pm when you get this which means you have 30min to find him"

She stops reading and looks around.
"Let's start with solving the first two lines", Caroline suggest. They all nod and I just watch. I pour myself some bourbon and get comfortable.

Damon's POV

We all stare at the first two sentences.
"He gives his clock a shake, I think that means the time that we have", Bonnie suggest.
"Agreed and 'screams I've made a bad mistake'? What is that supposed to mean?"
"Probably the pizza slice he ate", I say

Everyone nods
"He's somewhere, where birds are", Jo says
"I think so too. Maybe a park?", Alaric asks
"No that can't be it 'the clock is ticking,5times and deep' what is that supposed to mean?", Caroline asks confused.
"I'm too old for this", I say and take a sip of my bourbon.

"Think with us and talk less", Caroline says. Instead of saying anything I give her a stare,which she returns.

"But there has to be a reason why she send it at exactly 5pm. She could have sent it over at 4:99 or 5:01", Alaric says.
"Nah I think she's just very organized that she had to send it at exactly 5pm", Kai shrugs.
"How long do we have left?", Elena asks.
"20min", Stefan answers.

We got this

Where do you think is Jeremy?

I know it's easy but I'm not really good at poems

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