1. Backstory

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It was March 12nd 1846. The day the secret Salvatore was born.

But it wasn't Lillian's child (Mother of Stefan and Damon). Her Husband, Giuseppe Salvatore, was having an affair with an old family friend, Janet McKay. 

Janet was a very powerful witch and she was now pregnant with Giuseppe's child. A siphoner, who is unkown, siphoned her powers but left a little. She knew she was going to die, so she asked the Salvatore's if they could take the child under their wing.

Giuseppe immediately said yes and Lillian was not so happy.

After birth Janet an hour left to live.

"How do want to call her?" Giuseppe asked the dying lady. Janet just stared at the girl with beautiful brown eyes. A tear escaped the women's eye.
"Brianna" she simply said.
"Great! She's getting the my last Name so she doesn't feel so left out" Giuseppe said.
"Please don't tell her about the supernatural stuff and don't mention that she is a witch. Try to keep her a secret. Brianna is going to be really Powerful but until then keep her out of this stuff"
"I'll try my best"

These were her last words before that women died.
                      4 years later
Lily didn't like Brianna much. She would scream at her when she would go outside and play with other kids. Stefan and Damon in the other hand treated her like a real Salvatore. They would keep her company, so she wouldn't feel so alone.

Their father was abusive but mostly to Damon because he would defend his little siblings.

Brianna saw Lily as her mother even though Lily would treat her like sh*t. Lily would lock Brianna in her room without food or something to drink. One time she would be there for a week. Stefan and Damon somehow never noticed.
                              2 years later

Brianna was now 6 years old. While she was locked up in her room, she discovered a side of her she didn't knew. She could make candles light up by just looking at it. At first it was out of control but now she knew how to control it.

Lily died two years ago of consumption. Stefan didn't take it so well since he was a mommy boy. Brianna on the other hand was kinda happy because since then she was aloud to go out of her room and play with Stefan. Damon was 15 so he was a "man" in fathers eyes.

When father hurted one of the boys she would hurt him, when no one was watching, with her magic. 

                               9 years later

Brianna was now 15, Damon 25 and Stefan 17 but in 2 months he's gonna turn 18.

Brianna was talking with Kathrine on her balcony. Kathrine was her first friend. Actually the first Person she talked to other than Father and the boys. They saw each other like sisters.She had a thing for my brothers.

"Bri, I have some sad news"
"What is it?" Brianna asked, while taking a sip from her tea.Her tea tasted metallic for some reason. Wich caused her to make a face but she shrugged it off.
"I'm leaving Mystic Falls.." 
Bri just stared her in shock." W-What why?"
"I have some business in another city"
"But you'll be back right?"
Kathrine just shaked her head. "Look it might take years. I don't know if I'm ever come back"
"But your my only friend. What about my brothers?" Brianna asked.
"I'm sure they'll be fine"
"But I don't want you to leave. Since you came father stopped abusing us" Brianna said with tears in her eyes. Kathrine just stared at her in a disgusted look.
"Okay,ew. Whatever.Forget that I told you that I'm leaving. We only talked about our plans for our futures." Kathrine compelled Brianna.

Brianna just shrugged with her shoulders and took another sip of her tea.
'Stupid human' Kathrine tought.
"I'm gonna go to my brothers now" Brianna said standing up.
She saw her brothers talking.
"What are you talking about" Brianna asked them.
"Ahh, sister. We were just talking about who gets to throw the football first" Damon said.
Brianna just rolled her eyes.
"Do you want to play with us in our front yard?" Stefan asked.
Brianna just sighed  "Stefan you know I cannot go outside of house without Fathers permission."

1 week later

So much happend in the last week. Her brother died infront of her eyes. They were shot by our lovely Father. Not even two days later her  stupid Father died. There was nothing left for her, so she decided to run away. I mean literally nothing. Father found out that Kathrine was a Vampire and took her to some church and burned her.

It hurts. It hurts so much to see your loved ones die.

She somehow landed in New Orleans. She never realized how beautiful this world is considering, that she was always in her house.

Her magic is getting stronger. She feels so powerful.

"Excuse me, darling" a attractive guy says.
"Do I know you, sir?"
"No, no you do not. What is a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?"
"Thanks but it's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot" Brianna said. This is a sentence she picked up from Katherine.

The handsome guy chuckled.
"I like you. I'm Kol Mikaelson." Kol said putting his hand out for the girl.
"Brianna Salvatore but you can call me Bri" she put her hand in Kol's hand. He kissed her hand.
"I have a feeling we're gonna get along pretty well." Kol said winking at her.

(Sorry I don't know if the Mikaelsons were in New Orleans round that year. Don't hate)

Hi don't hate pls this is my first book. I hope you enjoyed it.
I'm not gonna do the same sentences they used in TVD because I'm too lazy.

Thanks for reading<3

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