35. Travel

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I enter the living room and see Klaus sitting on the couch drinking blood out of fancy glass.
"Brianna, what a lovely surprise", he says not even looking into my eyes.
"Well you don't sound happy", I sit besides him.

He finally looks at me with a slight smile.
"Something happend Brianna while you were gone. That has been on my mind the entire day"
"I've heard", I look down,"I think you should let her keep the baby", I lean back.
He raises an eyebrow
"How do you know?"

He rolls his eyes and stands up.
"Of course. Marcel knows who leaves and comes into New Orleans. My blood starts to boil when heat his name"
"Want to cool your blood down? I actually wanted to talk to you about something too"

He stares at me with an angry look on his face. I give him the please look and he rolls his face.

"Do I even have a option?"
"No", I smile at him returning one from him too.
"Sit down"

I happily sit down next to him
"First let's talk about the baby" 
" I think I need a drink", he sighs.

I snap my fingers and suddenly  he has a glass of bourbon in his hand. He looks down at his hand.
"Well that was easy"

" I think you should have the baby. And the only reason you don't want the baby is because you are scared"
"I'm Klaus Mikaelson darling. I'm not scared."

"You are scared that you might be like your father. And that's okay. You have been trough so much. You're the strongest person I know Klaus and I really look up to you"

He slightly smiles

"Yes, you can be cold sometimes but I totally understand that. You should be proud of yourself for making it this far"

He takes a sip of his bourbon

"Klaus, you are a big teddy bear on the inside. You're not a monster."
"I am"
"No you're not. You're scared that you turn out like your father or that your child might see you as a monster. You can get over the quilt with this baby"

Klaus is a cold person but when it comes to family he is slightly nicer but still cold. But with me he is a baby and I love how comfortable he is around me.
If anyone ever saw him like this they would think that this Klaus is a clone.

Everyone has two sides.

"I will think about it"

I smile thankfully.

"What did you wanna talk about?", he asks.
"I'm frustrated", I sigh. He raises his eyebrows
"With what?"

I explain him the situation and ask him for what I should do.
"I think you should stop this madness. Stop waiting your energy on people who don't give a fuck about you. You're wasting you precious time, my love"

"You're right"

I smile at him. He's right. I love our relationship. That's what a brother should do, be there for you when you need him. Not like Stefan and Damon. I'm wasting my energy for them.

"Thank you, Klaus. Did I say how much I appreciate you? I don't think I did"
"You don't need to, I already know. Who doesn't love me?"

We laugh. I live small moments like these, where we just forget all of our problems. That's how you know , that somebody cares about you. If they did they would take at least 5 minutes of their day to talk to you.

Stop wasting your energy on people who don't appreciate you. Focus on you and the people who care about you.

"Let's Travel the world. We both have problems. Let's just escape this world for 5 months", he suggests.
This has taken me back
"What do you mean?"
"We both have problems and we need a break. You and me, we are the most powerful creatures together. You a vampire and a witch and me a hybrid. We are unstoppable. You can teleport us to the location and when something happens, we're back in seconds."

"We have problems here. We can't just run away from our problems" 
"You are gonna give Jermey back and I'm gonna talk to Elijah and tell him that he has to take care of Haley. Rebekah is here too. What could go wrong?"

"Why only 5 months?" , I ask
"The baby bump is gonna show and I need to protect my kid and the baby momma. Right?" , he smirks

"No way!" , I jump in his arms and hug him tight.

He laughs
"I'm so proud of you"
"Are you in?"

"I'm in"

We smile at each other

Old friend| Kai Parker Where stories live. Discover now