4. Where are we?

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I was still closing my eyes too scared to open them.

"Uh This got akward fast", Damon says letting Bonnie's hand go. I let her hand go too.

"Is this hell?" I ask

"No, I don't think it is", Bonnie says and starts walking.

Damon and I look at each other completely confused. I shrug and walk behind Bonnie.

We were now wandering the streets like a crazy person.

"Ugh can we go to boarding house now? We don't need to wander the streets like a crazy person"

"Bri stop being lazy", Damon said.

I rolled my eyes.

"If we're on the Other Side we should at least be able to see the living", Bonnie said looking around.

"Well we're obviously not in Heaven cause if it was I wouldn't be at stuck with Damon here", I say.

"Guys look!"

Damon and I look at an ugly house. It looked like the ones in Films. 'Basic'

"That's Elenas not so crisp up house", Damon says.

"Brother who is Elena?"

"It's his Girlfriend and my best friend"

I nod as they walk over to the house.

"Let's go inside", Damon suggest.

I see a swing on the porch and immediately sit down on it and swing.

"What is it Bonnie?", Damon asks.

I look at her and she looks at the newspaper.

"Look at it" she says while giving it to Damon.

He looks at it and scoffs

"What does it say?" I ask curiously

"About how a Family was murdered  aand  how one survived"

"Not that the date", Bonnie says.

"Oh. We shouldn't ask where we are, we should ask when we are"

                                    4 months later
It has been 4 months since we're here. Turns out we're in 1994,May 10th 1994, we're living the same day over and over.Bonnie and Damon keep fighting. I enjoy i, it's really entertaining.

Damon can't stop talking about Elena. This dude needs some serious help.

We catchend up but I didn't tell him about how I turned because I'm kinda ashamed. He told me about how Katherine didn't die in that church but how she died because she turned into a human. 

Oh and I didn't tell them about my magic.

"Good Morning" I say as I lazily walk into the Kitchen.

"Morning!" Damon and Bonnie said at the same time.

I sit down at the table and sigh

"Pancakes? Again? Damon can't you do something else?"

"I can, Bri. But I'm not gonna try hard. I'm gonna show Elena my cooking skills not you two idiots"

I just roll my eyes and angrily start to eat

"Hey! Don't let it out on my pancakes"

I show him my tongue. I look over to Bonnie who is concentrated in her Grams grimore or whatever that is.

She lost her magic and is now trying to get it back. It's actually really funny to see her try. I don't have to try I have magic. Like I said  Nature loves me a little too much.

Sometimes my magic annoys me. It gets out of control simply cause I have too much. It hurts when I don't use it so often. What can I say it's hard to be powerful.

"BRIANNA" Damon screams at me
I flinch
"I asked if you're coming with us to the Grocery store?"
"Nah I'm good. I'm tired, I think I'm gonna take a nap"

He nods

"Do you want anything?", Bonnie asks and I just shake my head.

1 hour later
I just woke up. This was the best nap I had in a while. I keep having these nightmares about my past. Yesterday I had one about those weird witches I met in 1987.

I was walking until I heard a scream. It was coming from the woods. I use my vamp speed to go where the scream was coming from.
There was a girl laying in the ground. I rush over but stop at her sight.

She had blood all over her. I bite into my wrist and give her my blood. 

"Are you ok?"
"Y-Yes. Who a-are you?"
"Doesn't matter. How did this happen?" 
"My Boyfriend was missing and when he came back h-he was acting all weird. H-His face." 

She started to sob.

"Hey hey. It's ok."
"He turned into a vampire. Like you. I-I tried to push him away b-but I'm not so strong l-like I used to b-be. So I ran into the woods and t-then I think you can imagine what happened"

I stare at her in shook. She's a witch

"Okay where is he now?"
"I-" she was cut off by a man ,who I guess where her father , rushing over her.

"What did you do?!"  the man yelled at me
"D-Dad she saved me"
"Thank you so much"
"Your welcome and don't let her boyfriend near her"
"Wait did Noah do this to you?" her father asked.

She just nods

"What's your name?" the man asks me 
"Brianna Salvatore. Can I know yours?"
"Joshua Parker and this is my daughter Josette"
"Cool,anywayyys. Have a nice life"

And with that I left them there. If I only knew what that bastard was going to do with me.

"EARTH ON BRIANNA!" Damon screamed
I flinch 
"Omg Damon! Don't have to scream at me"
"Well you keep having Daydreams. Anyways come downstairs, we have a guest."

Before I can ask questions he vamp speeds downstairs. Asshole.

I was about to speed too but my nose stared bleeding. Weird. 

I went downstairs and saw a man on the chair and his hands are tied to it. I only see him from the back but he looks so familiar.
Damon and Bonnie were infront of him just giving him a death glare.

I was about to walk away but he spoke up

„Good Morning sleepy head! Miss me Brinnie?" he says

His voice makes me freeze. No , No it can't be.
Only one person would call me that and it's Kai Parker.

I walk to him to see his face


„Hey Brinnie!" he said smiling

3 chapters a day Wohooo 🥳

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