36. Teenagers in love

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Back in Mystic Falls

I enter my apartment and sigh.

"Where were you?!", Jermey walks towards me. "Somewhere" , I shrug.
"It has been over 24 hours! They must think I'm dead", Jermey says frustrated.
"Ehh. I'm letting you go anyways"

I walk towards the living room and sit on the couch. That feels good.

"What?", Jermey asks entering the living room.
"You wanna go now or later?", I ask with my eyes closed.
"What's the catch?", he asks worried. I look up to him and smile :" There is no catch. I'm just tired of taking care of you"

I close my eyes again and lean my head back.
"Did something happen?"
I begin to giggle
"At first you were begging me to let you go and now where I'm letting you go, you don't want to?", I giggle ,"You are complicated"

"It's just weird", Jermey says ," What changed your mind?"
"Like I said, a bitch is tired. I need a long ass break"

I stand up and walk towards him. He just gave me a worried look.
"Oh don't give me that look. I'm not gonna turn it off"

I cut him off with a teleporting spell
"Lanuae me ad locum cogito"

Suddenly there is a strong wind but not for that long.
I open my eyes and we're standing infront of the Salvatore boarding house.

"Let's go", I say and pull Jermey by his hand before he even gets to answer.
I open the door and we step in.
Everyone is in the living room sitting, hoping for the next poem.

"Guys, I'm back!", Jermey cheers.

No reaction
"They can't hear you"
"Undo the spell", Jermey looks at me
"Only if you say please", I pout.
"Please", he says after a second of silence.

I smile. I undo the spell and everyone's attention turns to us.
They all look shocked.

"Elena", Jermey whispers and runs to her. They hug. Elena has a smile on her face.

Well they have a good relationship.
Aren't they actually cousins? Anyways.

"Stefan", I give a sarcastic smile.
"Why did you give him back?", Caroline asks.
I roll my eyes
"He can explain. Anyways gotta go.", I was about to leave but Damon spoke up.
"It was nice to see you"

I stop walking and without turning around I say: "I would say the same but I don't lie"

With that I walk out of the house.

Not gonna lie felt like a baddie when I did that

Jeremy's POV

"So she just let you go?", Caroline asks.
I nod
"She is planning something. Did she tell you something?", Elena asks me.
"What? No! You guys always see the bad in her. Just give her a chance she was actually really nice to me. She cares even tough she doesn't show it", I defend her.

Suddenly we hear the door open and Bonnie walked in, followed by Kai.
I stand up and hug Bonnie, she hugs me back.
"I missed you", I smile
"Yeah", she sighs. I pull away and raise an eyebrow "What's wrong?"
"Nothing just tired", she smiles.


"Wait if you're here, then we're is Brianna?", Kai asks. "She left", I sigh.
"Well if you excuse me, I need to talk with her"
"Too late"

"Why?" , Bonnie asks.
"Look guys I was with her for a week and all I can say she is the most sweetest person. She cares but doesn't show it. I mean I can't blame her after what has happens to her", I tell them while they're all listening closely.
"What are you trying to say,Pocahontas?", Damon asks.

"She is going on a vacation with Klaus"
"Well they'll be back in 2 weeks", Elena says.
"No, they're doing a world tour"

Kai looks down and goes out of the house.

"He loves her ", Elena smiles. "And she loves him", I say.
"What?", Damon and Stefan ask in sync.

Brianna's POV

I packed everything. Well only the most important things. I sigh and sit down on my couch.
Do I really want to do this?

It's for the best. Maybe I should have one last drink in Mystic falls. I get up and take my keys and speed out. After locking the door of course.

I step into the Mystic grill, immediately making my way to the bar. I sit down and a nice lady comes up to me.
"Hi what can I get you today?", she asks me
"The strongest that you have", I answer.
"Make it two", a familiar voice says behind me.

They sit next to me and I turn my head to look at them.

"What do you want?", I asked annoyed.
"Oh nothing", he smiles. Oh god that smile, it remind me of my weird dream.
"I heard you're going on a trip", he stops smiling. I nod,confirming that I'm going on a trip.
"Yup",  I pop the p. The lady comes with our drinks and Kai raises his glass.
"To your trip", he looks at me." To my trip", I softly smile.

Kai start to smile too. We both take a sip.
"Don't go"
"Excuse you?", I'm taken back. What? Didn't he just-? Never mind I will never understand him.
"I know this sound very dumb but the time we didn't talk I realized something", he looks at me with pleading eyes," I miss you"

"Oh my god.. I can't believe you! You first treat me like shit and now you're begging me not to go? You are a walking red flag! How can you be my soulmate?!", I whisper shout.

He can't be serious!

"I know I know. I was scared", Kai tries to hold my hand but I yank it away.
"Scared of what? That I bite? Well you're correct, I do bite!"
"No that's not what I mean-"
"Then what do you mean, Kai?! This entire time I've spend asking my self why I wasn't enough! Why you fucked that bitch while I was waiting for you at home! Now I'm finally begging to move on and now you're here!"

"I am so sorry! I am!", he looks sad.  Manipulating bitch!

"No you're not! If you were , you wouldn't have fucked that bitch! If you were truly into me , you wouldn't have done anything to hurt me!"

He sighs
"I never fucked her"
"What?", I can't believe what I'm hearing.
"I was planning something for us but when you asked I got nervous and lied. I'm scared of loving, Brianna"

I take a sip of my drink
"I spend many years alone. What do you expect?"
"I spend many years in pain, Kai. Only to be murdered by my husband. I was scared of living too but I thought for you it would be worth it. Guess I was wrong"

I take another sip.  Kai looks sad? What?

"I know. Let me make it up for you", he says with hope in his voice.

I look at his blue eyes. How much I love these eyes. I could look at them all day and get lost at them.

My escape from reality

But this isn't healthy.
"Kai", I sigh," It has been over 15 years. We are not the same anymore. We're not teenagers in love"
He nods
"We need to work on ourselves and U think ist the best we go separate ways, for now"
"You're right. But when will I see you again?"

"When the time is right. I trust the universe with this one", I smile
"I really want us to work"
"Trust me, me too", I put my hand over his.

We both just stare into each other's eyes. He puts his hand on the side of my face and rubs it with his thump.
"Please take care of yourself, Brinnie", he sniffs. I pout.

He so cute
"You too, Malachai"

We smile and I stand up and walk away. I trust the universe.
I never stopped loving him

Kai's POV

I watch as she walks away.
When the time is right?

That could be in another life time. I don't want to wait. I want her now!

I stand up too and begin to walk away.

I still love her like a teenager

At the end we were just some teenagers in love..


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