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I flicker my eyes slowly open and groan. I can feel something comfortable underneath me. It's hard but also soft?
Confused I lift me head up and rub my eyes.
Once I fully open my eyes I see that I'm laying on Kai in a hospital bed?

I stand up as fast as I can and fall down on the hard ground in the process.

"Look who's finally up", I hear Damon say
I stand up and fix my hair. "Why was I on Kai?!" He shrugs
"We has no bed for you so we decided to lay you on Kai. No biggie"
"We?!",I cross my arms
"Alaric helped me. Even though I'm strong and all that, you do weight a lot"
I gasp and grab a pillow to throw it at him. Unfortunately I miss but he catches the pillow and throws it right in my face.

I grunt
"Ow, you bastard", I say while rubbing my head. "What did you just say?" I snap my head up to look at him.
"Umm- look Elena is twerking on the table!", I say pointing next to him. He turns around with a raised eyebrow and I take this chance to speed myself out of there.

I stand outside and take a deep breath. I need some coffee cause I feel like I'm dying. Coffee makes me poop a lot but I looveee coffee. 
To my luck the next coffee shop is around the corner, so instead of speeding myself there I walk and enjoy the air. I feel like I haven't breathed in a long time.

I start walking into the direction where the coffee shop is. On the way I see a guy,that look weirdly familiar, talking to Caroline? They're too far away for me to hear but I can recognize Caroline from everywhere. Caroline seems worried.
I raise me eyebrow.' Should I go over?'
Nah she's good. She's strong, she can kill him easily.

Caroline looks at me and we have eye contact before the guy turns around too.
The guy she was talking to is Klaus?! As soon as he sees me his face fills with a 'I'm sorry' look. He turns his full body to me and begins to walk.

I'm frozen in my spot. Do I talk to him? What do I do? I can't run away from my problems forever. But I'm not ready so it's okay.

And that's what I do. I speed to over to the Coffee shop, hoping he wouldn't come here. I have to make this quick.

I push past the people waiting in line ,I hear how the shout at me because I pushed forward. I get to the front and ready to order.

"M'am please get at the end of the line", the cashier says. I roll my eyes."Shut up and take my order", I compel the women infront of me.
She smiles "Hi, what can I get ya?"
"A iced coffee in large", I say quickly.
The cashier types in her little computer and looks back up with a big smile:"That's it?", 
I nod,"That'll be 2.99$"
I give her 5$." Keep the rest". She smiles gratefully.

I know I know. Why don't I just compel her to give it to me for free? She works hard, she deserves it.

"What's your name?", the cashier asks
"Brianna", I tell her and she writes it down on the cup." Just wait 3min and we'll call your name"

I nod and go over to a table so I can sit down. I look over to the window ,which is infront for me, to see if Klaus followed me. I don't see him, that's a good thing. I sigh and lean back. My leg is bouncing up and down because I'm nervous.
If I see Klaus, what do I say to him? What does he say to me? Was he even here for me?

Nah, it's Klaus. He cares for himself. I take a deep breath and exhale.

"A iced coffee for Brianna!", a worker shouts.

I snap my head into the direction,from where I heard my name being called, and stand up. I walk towards the worker and the worker hands me my drink. The worker smiles and I smile back.

"Have a nice day!", the worker says
"You too" , I give her a half smile and turn around.

And when I turn around the bell rings, meaning someone entered the shop. And to my luck it was Klaus and Caroline.

I freeze and look around to see options to hide but don't find any. It's too late anyways cause Caroline saw me. She waves to me signing that I should go over to their table.

I take a deep breath and go. I go over to their table and look at Caroline and then to Klaus. Klaus is already looking at me but I immediately look back to Caroline to avoid eye contact.

"Hey Caroline, how are you?", I ask putting  on a fake smile. She smiles back. "I'm doing great! How have you been? I haven't heard from you in days! Is everything alright?", she asks with a worried look an her face.
"I'm doing great, thanks. I'm always home and avoiding people, sorry", I say playing with my fingers.

Caroline looks at Klaus for a second making me turn my head to him.
"Brianna Salvatore saying sorry. Something you don't hear all day", he says smirking to himself. I give him a sarcastic smile.
"I wasn't even talking to you"
He glares at me and I do too but we're interrupted by Caroline.

"You guys are obviously not on good terms. I thought you were like family ", she says confused. "Yea, we were until I found out that they've been lying to me since 1920. I guess you can trust no one."
"It was for your protection", Klaus says making me turn to him again.
I shake my head. "Why are you here Klaus?"
"I'm catching up with my friend"

Duh. He never cared for you.

"Ouch. Not gonna lie I had a little bit of hope that you actually came here to talk to me"
"You made it very clear, that we shouldn't talk to you", he says and I nod.
I turn back to Caroline.
"Anyways, Brianna I know that you've been struggling. I mean having emotions back after what? 18 years? Is a huge deal", Caroline says

I was about to answer but got interrupted by Klaus:" The curse broke?"
I nod "Remember Kai? Yeah he's my soulmate"
"You shouldn't go trough it alone", Klaus says
I scoff " and you're gonna help me?No thanks"

I turn back to Caroline:" We'll talk later"
I leave the coffee shop and start walking to the Park nearby. I need to feed. Now!

I look around for stupid humans that could be delicious but they all look disgusting.
I sip my coffee and my phone starts ringing.
I take my Phone out of my ass pocket and look at the caller ID "Ripah"
I answer the call.

"Hey, umm I need your advice in something", he says. I raise my right eyebrow.
"In what?", I ask
"I don't feel comfortable telling you over the phone. Can we maybe meet up?"
"Suure. How about that one cool restaurant that we went to, outside of Mystic Falls?", I suggest.
"Yeah, let's meet there in 10"
"Ok, see ya", with that I hang up and stare at my phone.

He sounded  suspicious. Whatever. I look one last time around the park to see if there is someone who looks delicious and to my luck there is a women that looks really tasty.
I smirk to myself and their my coffee,that's now empty,away.

I speed over to that women and stop infront of her. She looks up from her phone. She has a orange dress on that fits her perfect waist. She has slightly makeup on and a cute bun. Surprisingly she has no bag.

"Umm, hi?"
"Hey, I like your dress!", I say.
"Thanks", she smiles
"But It would look better on me. Follow me", I compel her. She nods.
I start walking to a street where no one is. As soon as we're away from the crowd I turn to her.

"Take your dress off"
And she does. She gives me her dress and I take it. As soon as she gives me the dress I sink my teeth Into her neck and start drinking.

Old friend| Kai Parker Where stories live. Discover now