7. Eclipse

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Damon, Bonnie and I were in the kitchen. They were discussing what to do with Kai. I was just eating pancakes.

After my little talk with Kai, I haven't seen him. But it's a good thing I guess cause it's like really awkward between us.

"Brianna?", Damon asks me. Making me snap out of my thoughts.


"Did you know that he killed all his siblings?", he asks me

Him and Bonnie were watching me Intensively. I clear my throat and shake my head.

"No, I did not. I left 3 months before he did it"
"Why did you leave?", Bonnie asks me
"None of your business"

She was about to say something but Kai came into the Kitchen joining our conversation.

"Ouch. Anyways,Damon and Bonnie, leaving me here is not as easy as you think."

"You gotta stop doing that.It's creepy", Damon says

"Here is a thing",Kai says while walking closer to Bonnie,"I have killer effect on magic. I can't generate it myself but I can consume it from others temporarily. Family called me an abomination. That hurt my feelings"

He harshly grabbed Bonnies arm and his hand started glowing. Suddenly my head started hurting like a bitch and it seems like Damon felt that too. We put our hands on our head . When I looked up, there was a fire and Kais hand was directed towards us.

That bitch

"Ok, we get it", Damon gets out between his grunts.

The pain stops and the fire is gone.

"You can see why me and my coven didn't get along"

"I smell ultimatum", Damon says

"If I consume all of Bonnies magic, I'm just gonna end up killing her but if we work together. We can all go home as friends or I can devour her magic, kill all three of you and go home alone"

We all stare at him. Kai looks me in the eye before sitting down on Bonnies seat, which is beside me. 

"What's it gonna be?", he asks while eating Bonnie's  pancake.

Not gonna lie, he's stupid hot. 


Damon, Bonnie and I were walking in the woods having no idea where we're going. Kai is nowhere to be seen. Jerk.

"You're in a good mood", I say to Damon noticing his smile.

"I have a hot date with my girl tonight"

"Assuming Kai is telling the truth", Bonnie says

"I think he is. Why would he lie about this?", I ask

"I'm thinking about a dinner or a movie. You know what screw the dinner and the movie. Skip straight to the good part", Damon says completely ignoring what we just said.

"Yeah and assuming I can do the spell which I won't  know until I see it", Bonnie says

"What happens to hope,Bon. Remember when I was all like 'boo-grr' and you were all like 'hurray-hurrah we're getting out of here' "

I nod agreeing with Damon

"Look I wanna go home more than anything but Kai is a sociopath. Who's to say he won't screw us over"

"Me, I say", I say, "One thing I know about Kai is that he always keeps his promises"

"Plus I will kill Kai and anyone who comes in the way of me going home", Damon adds whip playing with his stick. 

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