⚠️ It's Been Awhile ~ Part 2 ⚠️

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Taking Dean's hand, you led him up the stairs. Once you hit the top, you punched in the door number on the keypad. It dinged, unlocking the door. Dean rounded you, wrapping his fingers around the handle, he pulled the door out. Beckoning you forward he said, "After you."

"Such a gentleman," you said with a wink. You could tell Dean liked that very much. It didn't take him long to catch up to you, twirling his fingers with yours. You honestly couldn't believe this. It had been about a year and a half since you'd last seen him. If this was a dream you would be really fucking pissed off.

Approaching your apartment, you lifted the lanyard from around your neck, fumbling with the keys. Shit, this was always so easy to do but with Dean standing literally right next to you, it was nearly impossible. The keys didn't want to cooperate in your shaking hands. Dean noticed. He softly touched your hand, you looked up. "Let me do it babe."

You let him have the keys. Curling a piece of hair behind your ear you said, "Sorry. I'm a little nervous."

Hearing the click of the lock, Dean swung the door open, revealing the inside of your place. Placing his hand on the small of your back, he kissed your temple. "Don't be. I'm here now." You smiled wide at hearing him say that. Both of you entered your living room. First, you set your purse down on the island in the kitchen, then kicked your shoes off. Dean had shut the door, locking the deadbolt. He too kicked his boots off while laying your keys down next to your purse.

Dean stuck his hands in his pockets, looking around. "You redecorated," he pointed out.

"I did. Do you like it?"

Dean walked over the table behind your couch, picking up a porcelain blue bird. He examined it, eventually holding it up, eyes on you. "Really?"

"What? It's a bird Dean."

He smiled. "I know...I just never thought that you'd have one of these in here. I remember you saying once that you couldn't stand simple Knick knacks." He set the item down where you had it displayed gently.

You shrugged your shoulders. "Well...I had to do something to keep my spirits up...including after you left. It...it wasn't the same without you."

Dean approached you, his arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you into him. He looked down into your eyes. As if on cue, you firmly took hold of the collar of his jacket. "I know there's no amount of words or apologies that could fix what I put you through."

"Where did you go?"

Taking a deep breath, he averted his eyes before bringing them back to you. "My brother got himself into some trouble. I had to help him."

"For a year and a half?" Somehow you got the feeling that he wasn't telling you the whole truth.

"(Y/N)...it's best that you don't know everything. Just know that him and I got it all figured out. There's nothing to worry about now."

All was silent for a couple seconds. "Say something," he whispered while running his fingers through your hair.

You kissed him. Sure he wasn't saying much about why he was gone but you could tell it was hard for him to talk about it. You weren't one to push so you decided to leave it alone. After all he was here with you now. At least he did come back and that fact was enough for you at the moment. He kissed you back, sending shivers down your spine. God he was a master at that. The man had such an effect on you. He pulled away, planting a kiss on your cheek. You turned a scarlet red. Before things got too heated, you walked over to your whiskey cabinet. Yes, you had one of those. Turning around, you asked, "Want anything to drink?"

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