The Demon Inside ~ Part 2

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Sneaking out of the closet, you crept down the halls, keeping a close eye out for Dean. You hugged the knife to your chest, still hoping you didn't have to use it.

Thankfully, you made it back to the library, snatching your phone from the table. You ran into the kitchen. One hand still holding the knife, you used your other to call Sam. It was a challenge trying to hurry while your hand shook.

"Come on, come on."

Sam's number popped up in your contacts. You pressed his number, lifting the device to your ear. Turning around, you made sure that Dean hadn't found you.

As you listened to the ringing, you pressed your back against the wall. Finally, Sam answered.


"Sam listen to me. Dean is out. He is out of the room and he is stalking me throughout this bunker. You have to come inside now. Right now please."

He hung up. You looked at the phone in confusion until you heard Sam come back in. As fast as you could, you ran to him. He took you in his arm. You snuggled close to him.

"Where is he?"

Pointing around frantically, you answered, "He's somewhere in here. I don't know where."

Sam's breathing quickened. He was just as afraid as you were. This was no joke and Dean was extremely dangerous.

All was silent, until you two heard him call from somewhere close.

"Oh I see. You've brought Sammy into the don't play fair (Y/N). Now how will I win?"

Sam left your side for just a second to grab the demon blade. It was hidden within a book on the shelf. Once he had it in his possession, he came back to you. You pleaded with him silently. Sam apologized without a word then led down a corridor towards the eletrical room. Following, you wondered what exactly Sam had in mind. It was then that Sam pulled the lever, putting the bunker on complete lockdown. The lights shut off and all went red. It was erie but fit the situation. You guys were being preyed upon by a demon and it only made sense that the setting would look something like this.

Sam took your arm, bringing you into the room adjacent from the previous one you were in. He didn't shut the door yet...but you both listened.

"Smart Sam...locking the place down. Doors won't open. I get it! But heres the thing...I don't wanna leave! Not until I find you...and my little pretty wife!"

Your heart dropped when you realized that he was right outside the doorway. Sam quickly shut the door and locked it, tossing the keys behind him. Dean had turned the lockdown off, making the lights come back on.

"That's your big move?"

"Listen Dean, (Y/N) was getting close, okay? We know you are still in there somewhere. Just let (Y/N) finish the treatments."

It was foolish for Sam to try and reason with Dean at this point. There was no way that he was going to listen to anything his brother said and you knew that for a fact.

Frozen in place, you stared at the door, waiting for Dean to say more. But there was nothing. Sam moved closer. "Dean?"

It was at that moment that you heard the worst noise in your life. Dean was breaking down the damn door. You yelped in fear. Sam backed away, moving in front of you to sheild you from the flying chunks of wood.

"You act like I wanna be cured!" Dean hit the door again, making a hole. You saw his face and all the color drained from yours. This was not him. This was not your Dean and it frightened you half to death.

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