He Should Have Told You ~ Part 3

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After the run in at the restaurant, no matter how hard you tried, you could not for the life of you, stop thinking about Dean. Yes there was always something about him. You two were always so close and that's how you knew for sure that he was pisst off at you. When you meant pisst off, you meant furious, like red in the face and shaking kind of furious. Ever been so angry that you forget what you did next? Yeah that's probably, no doubt, how Dean was feeling right now. You had never told him that you were married before that night.

Well hell how would you even break that kind of news to a man that you had history with? Not to mention a man that you had fallen in love with. It wasn't easy for you to do so. You could still see Dean's face fall when you pulled out that damn ring. He was so broken. It made you sick to your stomach.

Somehow you had to make things right. Somehow you had to let Dean know that you still cared about him. But how? You knew damn well that he felt like you cheated him out of his chance with you. What the hell did he expect? He broke it off with you and refused to talk to you afterwards. What other choice did you have but to leave? Maybe you should have stayed to find out if things worked themselves out.

The past is the past. This was the present. In the present, you found yourself pulling into the driveway of the bunker. Baby sat nearby so you knew for sure that Dean was home. It had been two months since you had seen him. This was probably the most daring thing you had ever done. Stupid right? You faced monsters, demons, and even angels; but Mr. Dean Winchester scared you half to death. You felt silly.

Sighing, you exited the car, heading inside. Sam was startled as the door opened. He grabbed his gun only to lower it quickly as soon as he sees you. "(Y/N)? What...what are you doing here?"

Walking like a woman on a mission, which you were, you asked, "Where's Dean?"

"He's he's um upstairs in his room but why-" You put your hand up to silence him.

"Tell you later."

You practically ran up those stairs to his room. As you approached the wooden door, you raise your hand to knock, but hesitate. So many things were going through your head. What if he didn't want to see you? Good possibility. What if he hated you now? Very good possibility. What if he didn't love you anymore? Rattling your head from side to side, you rid your mind of the negative thoughts. You knocked. It was subtle at first but grew a little more intense.

"Come in Sam if you insist." Oh boy he sounded like a pit bull about to attack.

Slowly you opened the door only to leave it cracked, you were afraid to walk in. "What the hell are you doing Sam? Can't you open a door correctly?" Oh wow he was so snotty, like a child not getting a toy they asked for.

Mustering all the courage you had, you said, "It's not Sam."

At the sound of your voice, Dean's heart began to race. "(Y/N)?"

"Can I come in," you asked him rather timidly.


You open the door enought to sneak in. As you're standing there, Dean is sitting on his bed, a piece of paper in his hand. He doesn't look your way. You shut the door behind you with a click, pressing your back against the cold wood. You were nervous as fuck, hands twitching and you had the sudden urge to bounce your knee. Dean still hadn't acknowledged your presence. He was just sitting there staring at whatever was in his hand.

"Dean," you half ass whispered. Clearing your throat, you tried again to get his attention. "Dean can you please put that down and listen to me?"


Dean Winchester x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now