⚠️ The Honeymoon ⚠️ (THE WEDDING SERIES) ~ Part 3

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Two weeks had gone by and you and Dean were on your last couple days of your honeymoon. As you made breakfast in the kitchen the realization of going back to the bunker started to set in. You didn't want to go back, well you did, but you wished that you could have stayed away longer. You knew that as soon as you and Dean returned, he would be hunting again. It's not that you didn't like the hunting of monsters but it scared you half to death. You were never sure if Dean would come back alive, injured, or worse...not come back at all. Now that you were his wife, everything was different. You and Dean had a future to think of.

Yes, Dean didn't want to raise any children within the hunter life but what if he couldn't help that? What if something bad was to happen and he would have to explain to his child that there really are monsters that hide under the bed. You didn't want to watch as Dean trained his only son or daughter to fight ghouls, werewolves, or vampires. You really just wanted to have a normal life with him. Sam would be a bit upset about it but he would eventually understand when he'd have kids of his own.

It just wasn't fair. You and Dean had had the most wonderful time here and then it would be all ruined in a couple days. You hoped that Dean would put a halt on the hunting for awhile after getting back home but you would just have to wait and see. You didn't really want to think about the bad stuff anyways, it would just put you in a bad mood. Being in a bad mood wasn't going to fly here, you had to stay strong, and maybe later on bring the subject up to Dean.

As you finished the last fried egg, you tucked it between Dean's stack of pancakes and pile of bacon. Yes, he had a pile of bacon. That man loved his bacon and you weren't going to be the one to take it from him.

You sat his plate down on a tray with his full mug of freshly brewed coffee. You planned on waking him up with breakfast. You had already eaten so it was only right that you do something special for your husband. Not to mention, he was a wonderful husband. Surely there were no one else that could be better than him. You were positive about that.

Picking up the tray, you walked up the stairs to the bedroom. There, snuggled with the blanket was Dean. He was still fast asleep.

He looked so damn cute when he slept

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He looked so damn cute when he slept. You thought twice about waking him up.

You sat down the tray lightly onto the bedside table, kneeling down next to the bed. You softly ran your fingers through his hair. He didn't move. You examined his face as you kneeled there next to him. You noticed the creases on his forehead, light freckles on his cheeks, his oh so manly stubble as he like to call it, and his plump lips. He was so handsome. He was such a man and you felt lucky to have found a man like him. Who would have thought that you'd end up with someone like Dean? A thought crossed your mind and you wondered if your parents would have liked him. Your mother would have definitely had a crush on him. She was always a shameless flirt. You supposed that your father would have been harsh on him at first but he would have grown to like him. If only they could see you now, see you become a wife, and maybe some time down the road; a mother yourself.

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