⚠️ Soaked ⚠️

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You were raging. The anger coursed through you like lava. Here you were, sitting in the backseat of Baby, riding with the boys to yet another fucking bar. Dean had insisted because he was sure that he could win at another game of pool, filling his pocket with more money. Yeah he was pretty damn good at it but it got boring after awhile just standing there watching him win over and over again. Not to mention that he had pisst off a group of bikers and almost had his fucking head decapitated. You had made it very known that you were not pleased with his actions afterwards. You knew that you were going to die one day but you didn't want to be murdered by a group of thugs on bikes. You and Dean had argued the rest of the night about it. He always argued with you.

He was so fucking stubborn and cocky that it made you sick to your stomach. You asked yourself so many times why he couldn't be more like Sam but god forbid he even tried. You hated the bars, you hated riding to them, you hated when the girls fawned all over Dean. Being honest with yourself, that is what you hated the most. The women seemed to flock to him in fucking hordes. It made you so furious. It was sickening that a man like Dean would just put himself out there for anyone to mess with him. Did he ever think that maybe it made him look like a whore? You had popped that question once but he waved you off as if what you said didn't bother him not one bit. You wondered if anything you said bothered him. Shit, if only he knew how you really felt.

You had know the Winchester boys for about three years now. You met them while you were on a hunt for a Wendigo. Sam and Dean had been attempting to save this girl's brother and funny enough, you were doing the same with your own brother. It was a great hunt but it didn't end well for you. Your brother had passed not long before you had arrived in that god forsaken mine. The monster had taken him. Let's just say that you got your revenge on that fucking thing. You enjoyed every moment as you watched the monster die from the flames. You felt accomplished. It was after the fight that Sam and Dean offered that you join them on their search for their Father, John. You figured why the fuck not. You were tired of being alone anyways, some company sounded nice for once. Oh how you were so wrong.

You and Sam got along peachy. He was such a sweetheart and the biggest flirt, but it wasn't the little brother that you fancied. Yes, it was Dean who you had your eye on. He was such a man. He made you feel things that you hadn't before when he was around. You loved the color of his eyes, the way he walked, the way he talked, the sound of his voice, and god the way he dressed was just yummy. Hell, you admit that you checked out his perfect fucking ass too, on numerous occasions. Sam had noticed you catching feelings. He warned you that Dean wasn't one to really settle down with anyone. You refused to think that. You thought that if you showed him that you were interested, he would come running, but your plan didn't work.

You threw out so many signals, even going as far as walking out naked without a towel into the hotel room after a shower. Did he look? Oh yes he looked. You remember feeling his eyes upon you while you grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. You smiled at him as you entered the bathroom again. You hoped that that did something. It didn't. You were convinced then that Dean wasn't into you at all. It hurt like fucking hell.

So, here you were, going into another bar. Dean spotted the pool table across the way and smirked. He was analyzing every person standing there. "Easy night for me."

You followed Sam to the counter, silently taking a seat. Sam caught Dean going to the men, asking to play a game with them. He shook his head. You kept your head down, hands in front of you on the wood.

Sam noticed you moping.


You sighed. "Please don't Sam."

He sat down next to you, his knee lightly touching your thigh.

"(Y/N) I know you don't want to be here. The feeling is mutual. Dean can be....he can be..."

Dean Winchester x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now