Kickstart My Heart ~ Part 2

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After Dean had come to pick you up from school, every single god damn person or you should say, woman, on campus wouldn't leave you the hell alone. Girls that you had never met before came up to you randomly asking you about Dean. You tried to be polite and answer them as best you could without giving too much personal information but damn it was getting tiresome. Your friends were still going on about how sexy he was and how much they wish he was theirs. For about a month you walked around the place with your head held high. You felt great to know that other women envied you for having such amazing taste. 

Damon on the other hand wasn't too happy. He stopped hanging out with you guys after he saw Dean. Something in him just snapped and he refused to talk to you ever again. He even blocked your number. You had tried to get ahold of him a couple times but they rang a couple times and then went straight to voicemail. You talked about it with the girls and they said he was just heartbroken. They said he would get over it in no time but it's been over three months. Poor guy must have realized that he had no chance with you. Dean was impressive but you didn't know that he had the power to chase a guy away that quick. 

Dean spent time with you for about two weeks before he had to leave again. It hurt to see him go. You stayed with him the night before he had to go. It was magical. He made you feel like a queen, his queen. 

His brother Sammy was with him the whole two weeks and you enjoyed hanging out with the younger Winchester. He was like a brother to you. You and Sam had become fast friends, you would even consider him a best friend. 

Dean has been gone for three and a half months now. You continued to go to school, finishing up your studies. He encouraged you to do so because you had mentioned to him before he left that you maybe you should quit school and go on the road with him but he wasn't having it. You were able to have a bright future. He didn't want to get in the way of that. So, you listened to him. He was right after all. 

And here you were, sitting with your friends, eating lunch. Mia was going on about a guy she met a couple nights ago to Brittany and Scarlett. You weren't paying attention. All you could think about was Dean and how much you missed him. That's when you spotted Damon from across the cafeteria. He was holding a tray of food, heading to a table in the far left corner. You watched him as he sat down next to a group of his friends. He smiled at his buddy next to him and then looked up to see you staring at him. He lowered his gaze and said something to his friend. Ignoring you. 

"What are you looking at (Y/N)," Scarlett asked beside you. 

"Oh I just saw Damon over there."

All three of them followed where you were pointing. When they saw him, Mia scoffed. "Such a loser. You know he hasn't spoken to any of us since that day right?"

"I heard he switched his class times so he wouldn't be anywhere near (Y/N)," Brittany added.

"He's such a fucking child," Scarlett said. 

You dropped one of your fries back onto your tray. "He can be upset all he wants but I'm actually glad he isn't up my ass anymore."

Mia pounded her fist against the table, making a sound. "That's right. You've got a real man anyways (Y/N). Speaking of that sexy man of yours, when is he coming back to town? We've been dying to see him again."

Honestly you hadn't the slightest idea of when he was coming back. The last time you heard from him was a couple days ago. You were a little worried. He never went this long without talking to you. 

"He should be coming back here soon."

They clapped their hands together excitedly. You rolled your eyes at their excitement. They were so weird. 

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