Taken ~ Part 4

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It had been exactly twelve hours since Dean had brought you to the hospital. You were in and out of consciousness. Every time you woke up, the memories flooded back of your time with David. You remembered him taking you, trying to rape you, the abuse, but you also remembered Dean showing up. The fight that had taken place in the clearing replayed in your head. It was an awful sight. If it hadn't of been for you, Dean wouldn't be alive. You were sure that David was seconds away from killing Dean. If that had of happened, you didn't know what you would do. 

You would have been stuck with David, a prisoner. You didn't want to think about all the disgusting things he wanted to do to you. You pretty much got the idea. 

As your eyes slowly opened, the bright lights above you almost blinded you. Turning your head, you saw Sam leaned back in a chair, sleeping. You sighed. Of course Dean wouldn't be sitting there. Where the hell was he? You hoped he wasn't too badly hurt. 

You examined yourself. Arms were covered in scratches, hands blistered from grabbing onto the trees, and your thigh was covered with a huge white piece of gauze. As you moved your leg, you could tell that the wrap was on pretty tight. You were going to have one hell of a time trying to walk. Deciding that you needed to wake Sam up, you attempted to sit up but a sharp pain shot up through your ribcage. You yelped, right hand coming around, only to find that your abdomen was wrapped as well. 

Closing your eyes, you shook your head. Of course you would have broken ribs. After the shit you endured it only made sense. 

"(Y/N)? You're awake," Sam said as he got up, his tall self towering over you. 


He pulled the chair over to the side of the bed, sitting back down. "How are you feeling?"

You thought about that. How was one supposed to feel after going through a near death experience?

"I um...I'm in a bit of pain...and I'm thirsty."

"I'll go get the nurse."

Sam was about to stand up when you stopped him. "Wait Sam."

He sat down. 

"Where's Dean?"

Sam's jaw tensed. You waited. 

"He's in the other room, sleeping. He was so exhausted after we brought you here that after he cleaned up, he passed out. He's been out just as long as you have."

"Is he okay?"

"He's fine...bruised but he's fine."

"Good." There was more you wanted to ask. You were afraid to ask. You really wanted to know why he didn't just bring a cot in your room to be with you. He saved you, he should be the one to see you wake up.

"He didn't want to worry you when you woke up."

You met Sam's eyes as he continued.

"He told me to stay with you. He wanted me to let him know when you were awake. He knew you had gone through enough, so he took it upon himself to get some rest. Honestly, the poor guy is worried that you'd tell him to fuck off. He's got it in his head that you plan on leaving him after everything that happened."

"No...he saved me...I don't plan on going anywhere...except back to the bunker."

"I know."

His smile was quick but it made you feel better. 

"Alright, I'll go get the nurse and fetch Dean. He'll be in here shortly, okay?"



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