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Today was the day. This was it. You waited for almost a month and now it was time for the wedding of your dreams. 

As you laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling, you wished time would go quicker. You had been awake since five. You even snuck outside to watch the sun rise. It was a gorgeous sight. Dean had been put in a separate room away from you last night. As per tradition, the groom wasn't allowed to see the bride before the wedding. He was only allowed to see you when you'd walk down the aisle. Being away from him made your heart ache. You had grown used to having him right by your side. It wasn't right that he was so far from you. Not to mention the bed was rather cold without him. He was your own personal heater and cuddle buddy. 

Your hand slid across the sheets to Dean's side of the bed. Closing your eyes, you imagined that he was right there, sleeping so sound, his chest falling and rising with every steady breath he took. Your hand gripped the sheets, pulling slightly. This wasn't fair...but there was no choice. You had to endure. You weren't scheduled to say 'I do' until after one. You hadn't the slightest idea of why Charlie insisted you wait so long. Maybe it was just for the anticipation. Well she was right about that much. 

The waiting was killing you. All you wanted to do was be married already. 

With a sigh, you slid out of bed, walking to your dresser. It was already after eight and Charlie said she wanted to see you around eight-thirty this morning in the Vault. You weren't one to keep her waiting, you knew better, so you hurried to put some clothes on. You brushed your hair and teeth before heading down there. 

The bunker was silent as you descended the stairs. You figured there wouldn't be anyone awake right now. It was still pretty early. However, you expected that Sam was out for his morning run already. Him and his running. You couldn't even count how many times you made fun of him for getting up at the ass crack of dawn just to start sweating. It didn't make any sense to you but hey that was Sam and Sam cared about his well being. 

As you stepped down from the last step, Charlie came rushing over to you. She covered your eyes quickly. You froze. "What in the world are you doing?"

She stood behind you, her hands staying on your eyes. "I can't have the bride see all the decorations just yet. This day is supposed to be special. Dean isn't even allowed down here."

She walked you forward to the kitchen you assumed. "Where is Dean?"

"He is being kept in another room like a poisoner. Sam has had the hardest time keeping him in there. He hates being stuck in a small boxed in area."

She uncovered your eyes finally. It took a second to adjust to the light but once you did, you saw the plates of breakfast food in front of you on the counter. 

"Eat (Y/N). You're going to need your strength today and you deserve a huge breakfast like this to get you started on your special day."

You didn't waste time in doing what she said. You grabbed a plate and began to fill it full. Once you had your food and a fork, you sat down with the bottle of syrup. You covered your pancakes, cut them into pieces, and took a bite. They melted in your mouth. 

"Wow Charlie this is delicious."

"Thank you and you're welcome."

You were about to take another bite when Sam walked in. He smiled when he saw you sitting at the table. "Hi Sammy!"

"Hey you."

He came over, bending down to give you a hug. "How are you feeling? Are you doing okay?"

Dean Winchester x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now