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"Sire, are you sure this decision is wise?" Asked the spider queen.

"What if we need you, and your pow-" The vex was saying before a knife flew through the air, hitting the wall behind him.

"Do not speak of my power as a battle strategy again. Understood?" I say, my voice dark and ominous.

He bows in apology, "Yes my lord. I'm sorry my lord."

I smile, looking at the two fallen warriors of the hellish place known as the Nether, lying on medical beds. They were hooked onto our scientists greatest invention yet. Or resurrector device.

On one side, lied the great, and powerful pig king, King Glutton. And on the other lied the former General of the Nether army, King Naeus. Both still hadn't been revived, so they both laid lifeless on the cots.

"Once they are revived, I will need to rest my power before usage. So until then, Queen Irifash, you will lead the Red Legion in my absence." I say, sitting down on a chair, getting hooked up to the machine.

She nodded, and the next thing I knew, I was using my power to breath life into the dead leaders. It took a lot more strength than I thought it would be to revive two people.

The heart monitors that were attached to both leaders started beeping, and the machine slowly stopped drawing magic out of me. I quickly felt a wave of exhaustion. I slumped in the chair, as the machine stopped.

"Did it work?" Ferlak asked.

Just as he did however, the pig king bolted upright. He looked so confused, and scared. I mean, who wouldn't be after being dead for so long?

"Hello, King Glutton, my name is-" Before Irifash could finish, the pigman pushed them over as if they were bowling pins, and darted out of the room.

"Stop..... him." I say weakly before falling unconscious.
(The pig king's POV:)

I don't know where I am. I don't know who those people were. I don't even know where I'm going. But all I know is I need to get out of here. I found my hammer, gold armor, and crown, and started to try and break down the wall to escape.

A small group of vexes started attacking me, so I took a quick break from the wall to attack them. I swung my hammer to the ground, knocking everything approaching me back a couple of feet. I continued bashing the wall, until there was a hole large enough for me to escape from.

While I scrambled out of the wall, a vex flew down, and slashed my upper back. I turn around, and beat the vexes that swarmed me with my hammer. That proved to be a challenge with my bleeding back, but I managed. And with that, I took off into the cold, outside world.

Well at least I know where I am now? I think.

I dart into a snow covered forest, hoping to completely loose them in the forest. I take this as my opportunity to catch my breath, breathing through the sharp, cooler air.

The trees were covered in crystal like icicles that glistened in the light of the setting sun. The powdery snow crunching under my golden boots. I shivered violently in the cold, knowing it would only get worse in the night.

At least I have my gold armor to protect my hooves from the snow. I thought, trying not to get snow on me.

Like any Nether mob, snow really hurts us. To humans, snow is cold and fun, while to us it burns like fire does to them. It's funny, what fire does to us does the opposite to them.

Speaking of the Nether... I want to know where Abby is.

Abigail is practically a daughter to me, and I love her as such. She is the heir of the Nether and I am proud of how strong my princess has become. How much she grew as a person. She was in the fortress the time I got attacked by that kid, she wasn't much farther behind me...

I hope she's safe... I thought.

"Hello King Glutton." I hear a dark, omnibus voice say, as a shadow-like figure weaves around the trees.


Quickly, I look around for whoever or whatever said that. However, I moved so fast, I accidentally knocked the snow off all the surrounding trees, making it fall on me. I yell in the burning pain, and my vision became blurry.

"I guess the beauty of snow can be incredibly dangerous as well." I laugh dryly.

I tried to move, and as if things couldn't get any worse, a couple sharp icicles fell, one of them piecing my calf. My body tenses up, and I feel my blood drip down into the snow.

Carefully this time, I try and reach for my hammer, maybe it would help me walk? But it was way too far out of my reach, and I was in so much pain already. I gave up my struggle, letting my hand fall into the snow.

"At least last time my end was quick." I mutter in pain.

As my eyes started to close, I could hear something...

Footsteps. A few sets of them. Coming towards me, at a rather quick pace too.

All I wanted was to see my little girl again. I thought, closing my eyes.
(Irifash's POV:)

"YOU LET HIM ESCAPE!" I yell at the vex.

He looks at the ground sheepishly, "We didn't mean to. He's just fast for a 500 year old."

I sigh, "Do you have ANY idea how LONG it took the corruptor and I to dig him out of that burning hell!" I shout.

"No my lady..." he scoffed, "I'm sorry."

"Hm, don't worry Irifash, you're not the one who has to explain this to the corruptor when he gets back." A squeaky voice says, we look to see Clover standing there.

"Did you find it?" I ask.

She shook her head, "No. I might need to make a separate mission to Dragonspire to find it." Clover said sadly.

I shook my head, looking back at the vex man, "You have a week before you need to explain yourself to Entity. For your sake, I suggest you find a good reasoning to why you let our little piggy friend escape." I say quite evilly, "You're dismissed."

Two guards came and started dragging him back to the dungeon. I sigh, turning to the window. "Is there a reason you are still here Clover?" I ask.

"Yes. Ma'am, shall I go hunt the pig king down? Or do you have a troop ready?" She asked.

I shook my head, "He'll come crawling back to us. I just know it. Once he finds out what happened to his people he would want nothing more than to end the Frostbourne himself. That is, if he makes it that far."

Clover nodded, and left my office. A smirk fills my face,

"Let's see how far the fierce King Glutton does under the effects of the resurrector device."
(A/N: Hiya! This chapter is quite a bit shorter, but oh well! It's a prologue. So, like I said in the caption, this is my attempt at doing three books at once. If it goes well, then good! But if it becomes a problem I'll try alternating books in and out. Anyway! Hope you have a good day/night, and remember to drink water!)

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