A Wax Seal / (a few AN's)

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  A/N: Could we just pretend Ceris and Abigail are platonic partners? I seriously do not have the time (or mentality to be completely honest; America's falling apart right now—) to rewrite four books while keeping up with my normal posting schedule (and not counting the Crysteffor family—along with the End and Nether—is going to be quite important in the next couple chapters, hint, hint.)

I do apologize if it seems I'm taking this too far. I'm really trying not to, but at the same time I really don't want to take away some decent aro/ace representation (being that out of the LGBTQ+ community, people on the ace spectrum have the least amount of decent representation). I may still continue non-cannon oneshots, but I'm not sure yet.

  So if you don't know what a non-romantic relationship would look like, I'll show via a small roleplay. And if you do know, you can read too! There's some cute Ralla stuff as well.
(Of course, disclaimer: not all aspec people will have the same relationship dynamic, or even want to be in a relationship at all. Remember that it all depends on the person.)

(This takes place after Ellie and Storm were born:)

  Ever since Ceris and Abigail met in the Frostborne Castle, the two former leaders had become inseparable, and an unstoppable duo. The two women—despite their differences—worked well with one another under pressure, brought out the best of one another, and trusted one another with their lives. And when one told the other that she wanted to rebuild the ruins of her old home, Glacierford. The other made no haste to join her on her quest.

  Now, the two women lived together in a home they rebuilt together. A house that may have belonged to a single mother and her ardent daughter in it's previous life? Oh how times have changed the place, and the people inside.

  After a short while, people began to move to their small settlement, merchants began to do business with their small town, and what was the ashes of a dead village had seemed to rebirth itself, and began again. And due to their past experiences in a leadership role, the two women quickly were recognized as Lords in their small town.

  But in the present date, the former Nether Princess just got back from the market with ingredients for tomorrow's breakfast, and a bottle of wine. Let's see how this goes.

  Abigail: I'm home!

  To the former Nether Princess's surprise, there was no response. Abby shrugs, and goes to the kitchen to unload her bag of groceries to see Ceris sitting at the table, her back to her.

   Abigail takes a peek over her fellow lord's shoulder to see a letter from Dragonspire, and a wood and gold letter opener lying on the kitchen table. The letter had been unopened.

  It was a light purple envelop with a red stamp with the End's royal family crest inscribed on the wax. Abby looks at her fellow Lord to see her off in her own word, chewing on her nails— one of the former End Queen's notorious nervous habits.
  Her dark eyes soften, as she taps her fellow Lord on the shoulder. Ceris looks up at her, eyes full of tears.

  Ceris: Oh... when did you get home?

  Abigail: Just now. *she pulls up a chair and sits down next to her* When did this get here.

  Ceris: Just now. *Ceris tries to avoid her fellow Lord's eyes* Rain sent it to us.

  Abigail: Do you know what it could be about Ceris? *she places a hand on her shoulder*

  Ceris wipes a tear from her cheek: It's about Stella. Her due date wasn't that far from now.

  The former Nether Princess looked at her partner with worry. Ceris had told her of her family's history and complications of birthing children. And once they found out that Stella was expecting her own children... well naturally, the former End Queen had grown more and more anxious.

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