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(Azura's POV:)

It's been a week since I have been put in here, and I can feel myself making a bit of progress. I know it isn't much, but it's progress.

I'm now seven days clean, and have tried to take care of myself more in this place. My wrists were healing up a bit quicker, thanks to my daughter wrapping them.

My nightmares are still continuing, and it has been cutting into my sleep. But right now, I have to focus on the good that is happening. Like being a week clean! Or say someone visits me! Some small good things I can focus on, so it can help get me get better.

But one of my main good things is, that Patrick was finally off the machines, and could be kept alive with primarily magic now! It's great news that he's finally pulling through, and I hope he can wake up soon.

But anyway, with that news, I had requested to leave the mental part of the hospital to go visit him. I had no record of trying to escape, nor ever thought of doing so, so I hope Lily let's me.

Right now, I was sitting on my bed, reading a book Aaron had dropped off for me before leaving. He found it when making a trip to our house. It was about mystical mobs, and it was very interesting! I was almost completely hooked on it until I got a knock at the door.

"Yes?" I ask, opening the door.

It was Lady Lily. Or Herobrine's sister if you want to refer to her like that. She was standing there with a clipboard and a pen.

"Hello Ms. Azura. I felt like I should be the one to tell you that you will be aloud to visit your husband in the hospital, since he is off the heavy machinery." She informed.

I nod to the woman, "Thank you Ms. Lily. Would it be alright if I visit him now?"

"Of course. Now, the only two conditions is you have to leave the door open, and you have to be escorted there and back, and of course checked when coming back here. Too many instances of people trying to run away or sneak stuff in that could be used harm someone/themselves." She explained.

"I understand." I say, "When can we leave?"

"I could take you there now if you want?" She suggested.

"Okay!" I say, exited to see him again, "Let's go."


The two of us were making our way down the ICU, which was surprisingly empty for the most part. Both Lily and I walked up to a hospital room, and checked her clipboard.

"Yup, this is the room." She said, and signaled for me to go in. "Go on in. I'll be out here."

I nodded, and walked into the room. There he was, lying there peacefully, while bandaged up a little. The only things he was hooked up to was a heart monitor, IV, and an ECMO, some of the only things that can't be replaced by magic.

Careful not to make too much noise, I pulled up a chair, and sat down next to his hospital bed. I took his hand in mine, and started tracing small marks on his arm, given to him through war. He always smiled whenever I did, and this time was no different. Even when asleep, a thin smile appeared on his face.

I smile a little, before I felt a hit of exhaustion kick in, due to my lack of sleep. My eyelids felt heavy, but I didn't want them to close! I didn't want to fall asleep when I am able to finally see him! I rested my head on my arm, but continued to fight the urge to sleep. I was about to drift off, when I hear the heartbeat monitor beat a bit faster.

Quickly, I hopped out of my seat and look at the monitor.

What's going o-! I thought, before getting interrupted by a slight groan of pain.

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