The Weight of the World

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(Amelia's POV:)

I look out my window as the snow sprinkled down from the sky. I smile, as this was the only way I saw the world outside this office for the past few days. My fingertips brush up against the frozen window, as I saw the people playing care-freely in the crisp blanket that covered the land. Seeing them reminded me the birthday of the Frostbourne is coming up so soon. I hope they can celebrate it without worry. I close my eyes, and I feel a memory bubble up.

It was of myself and dad. He was walking around with me as he supervising trainings. Mom had sent me with dad so I could get some much needed fresh air and exercise while she worked and babysat my infant brother. It was a day like this. A similar lively, chilly, snowy day. I couldn't have been more than four.

I remember looking up at my dad. I didn't know then, but now I could see it. Stress practically emanated off his being. I could now see it with every step he took. Now that I'm in his shoes, I know how he must've felt. Yet, he still laughed at every joke I made, listened to all the stories I told, and smiled whenever looking down at me.

How could he and mom keep that up. With the weight of the whole world on their shoulders, how did they manage to have people they could keep close to them; instead of accidentally pushing them away? I thought, looking back at my completed work. I had finished most of it last night. I've drowned myself in my work after hearing the news. Some of the worst news I'd receive in my life.

I wonder how mother and Aaron are taking it all? I thought. I have hardly left my office since the news; let alone the building. I know it's not healthy and maybe a bit selfish, but I don't think I can face another person for more than a few seconds without cracking like a broken dam, let alone my own family.

  Before another thought came to mind, I heard a knock on my office door. I assume it's Hilda with the training reports I had requested, and walk over to the door. I open it. "Hey Hil-" Before another word came to mind, standing there was Storm smiling brightly.

  "Hey Lady Amelia! I'm back!" The boy said with a smile, holding a single rose in his hands.

  This caught me by surprise so much that I couldn't stop the mage from bouncing past me and into my office. I tried to piece some words together. Something like I wanted to be left alone, but I just couldn't.

  "One of the children of the village, Riyu I think her name was, said to give this to you. She told me that no one has seen you for a while, so I wanted to check in! Are you doing okay?" He asked, placing the rose in a vase of water.

  I stop, and look away. "... Everything is fine... you don't have to worry about me." I say, scratching the back of my neck. I could see him frown from the corner of my eye. He walked up to me, and offered me a hug. I shook my head in response and and he dropped his arms.

  "You can tell me... what happened?" He asked calmly. "I want to help you!" I paused, and let out a heavy sigh.

It's best if I just tell him now... he'll find out eventually. I gave in, and wrapping my arms around myself. "Well..." I mumbled, holding back a river of tears.

-a few days prior-

  Everyone looked back at me when the doctor gave us the news. I just sat there, completely motionless. I half felt my dad's arm snake around my shoulder, as he hugged the three of us. He tried to smile, but I could tell he was just as terrified as the rest of us. As terrified as I am.

  "I'll... leave you four be..." The doctor said before leaving the room. We just sat there as our parents hugged both Aaron and I.

What are we going to do now... I thought defeatedly. No tears welled up, unlike what happened with Aaron. I just sat there, looking at the floor.

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