Lance the End mage

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I walk into the house, and was greeted with a pleasant smell coming from the kitchen. I walk in to see Storm at the stove, cooking something. He didn't seem to notice me waking in, so I sneak up behind him, and give him a hug. He squeaked, but then saw me, and calmed down.

"Oh! It's you! Darn! It thought I'd get this done before you got back..." he said, flipping what looked to be an omelet on the pan.

I smile, "What are you making?" I ask, quite curious.

He smiled, "Just a few omelettes of the group. I though you all would want a warm meal after a while of traveling. So, I thought I'd use my magic to my advantage! Here! Have one!" He said, using his magic to plate one of the warm omelets, and took a fork and knife out of a drawer.

"Thank you Storm..." I say, before placing a kiss on his cheek, making him blush as red as a tomato.

"N-No probably m'lady Amelia!" He mumbled, before a smile appeared on his face,

I take a bite of the eggs, and ask, "Ya know where Abigail and Ceris are?"

He smiled, "Talking with Kane and Ciara probably." Storm said, "Though I didn't know my grandma's knew them? Especially grandma Abigail. She would have told us about them? So why have I just found out they knew each other?"

"This is a big place." I say, "Maybe they met once before, when Kane and Ciara visited to speak about peace with my father?"

"Hm... why don't we ask them? It's sure to be a good story!" He suggested.

I sigh, "But I have stuff to do-"

"Amelia... my lady. Lady Hilda said she would take over your shifts for three days. You have the day off, remember?" He asked, giving me a silly look.

"Sorry!" I apologize, rubbing the back of my neck, "I guess it's been too long since I could actually go out and do something, that just became me default response."

He just smiled, and quickly kissed me, "It's perfectly fine my lady! Now, let's go!"

I scramble to finish my eggs, and then follow him. After a bit of looking, we found Kane, Ciara, Abigail, and Ceris standing alongside the pig king, and Olivia. Kane had given everyone a beer, besides Glutton, and Olivia (of course) who both had apple juice boxes. Rosa, who was no longer there, was probably training or something.

"There you are!" Ceris said, holding her glass in our direction.

"Hey grandmas-!" Storm said casually.

Just then, Glutton spit out his apple juice, and looked Abigail in the eyes. "Huh! Excuse me!" He asked his daughter, "I'M A GREAT GRANDPIG TOO?" He asked, trying not to move to much and knock the toddler off his head.

Abigail laughed, "Well... technically? I have an stepdaughter, who is Ceris's descendent. She's the one who my ex boyfriend married. You know, Rain?"

He crushed his juice box, "Yeah, I think I've met Rain before." He murmured quite angrily.

We all laughed, before Ciara turned to us, "Anyways kids, why are you here? Especially you Amelia. I thought you were with your dad?" She asked.

"I was, but the doctors had to run some tests on him. I'll probably visit him again later!" I say.

"We wanted to know how you and Kane met Abby! I didn't know you two knew each other!" Storm said.

Kane laughed, "Well then would ya both want something to drink? It's quite a story!" He said, bumping Ciara on the arm.

We both nod, and he hands us both a juice box, considering we are both not old enough to have alcohol. Kane bumped Ciara on the arm,

"So who is up first? The reckless assassin, or the 'I won't let Kane keep the darn wither horse' princess." He said, giving Abigail a joking look.

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