All Hail Queen Crysteffor

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(Abigail's POV:)
A few days later

  So far, the repairs on the Nether have been running smoothly. Just as my partner said, it took them some time, but the pigmen and skeleton hordes are slowly starting to come hand to hand, and help each other out. And with The Frostbourne's help, we've managed to build a settlement three times the size of New Glacierford.
At the current moment, The Palace was either used as a storage area, housing for the (currently homeless) villagers, or still undergoing repairs. But that doesn't matter to me. My people's homes, businesses, markets, and schools are what's important now.

"Where should these logs go, your highness!" A Frostbourne Commander shouts over to me as she, and a few others people help carry logs over their shoulders.

"By the palace! There's a storage area over there!" I direct, drinking a bottle of water. I was finally on a short break after finishing three houses, and half of a new schoolhouse.

"Thank you!" The woman shouts back, as she and everyone helping her make their way over to the palace. I smile, taking another few sips of water.

  "My Queen!" The wither knight calls for me, with a bunch of documents clutched in their arms.

  I chuckle, walking over to them and the small group. "You know I'm no formal Queen yet Prex."

Of course The Wither Knight and former leader, Prex; The renounced Undead King, and current Lord Herobrine; A former Nether general, and Hero's right-hand man, Kralos; and My father and former Nether King, King Glutton.

"R—Right! Sorry my Queen—AGH! Abigail." They scold himself. "We've found some documents you may want to see! These look to be conversations between Naeus and his Generals during the Civil War."

I take a few pieces of parchment form off the table, and read them through. "... He ordered attacks and the burning of several schools and libraries in the pigmen's domain..." I say, my tone loathsome and repulsed. I slam the paper down on the table. "Did you five know anything about this?" I ask, my tone genuine yet sharply.

Everyone was silent until a new voice spoke up. "I knew."

We all turn around to see Hogsworth standing there. "Ah! You made it!" Prex barely voices. "I thought you were busy with--"

"Annabella and Olivia are with Annie's mother. She took them back to the palace to calm down for the night." He responds, standing next to me. "But yes. The Skeletons did launch a lot of attacks on the pigmen's education. The Nether's lack of a good educational system has always been an issue, but those times were very difficult for most of my kind, most of us ended up either illiterate or having huge problems with literature and arithmetic. Myself and most of my men are a prime examples."

We all went silent for a moment. "Hey now, I thought we all agreed to not to cause a squabble about species Hogsworth." My father scolds, crossing his arms.

  "I don't think he's trying to start anything, my King." Hero states, standing in opposition to Hogsworth and I. He turns to his co-lord "Kralos, what happened when I was captured?"

  The Wither Knight nods and turns to Herobrine. "Well...  just after you captured,  he thought that by destroying the Pigmen's education, more people would comply to him." He pauses for a second, tears welling up in his eyes. "Because of him I've done many things I now regret. I don't know what came over me."

  "He's... made all of us do regrettable things..." Hogsworth adds. We were all silent, before the pigman starts chuckling. "Good thing he's rotting at the in the deepest pit of Tartarus!" The entire table laughs, besides my father and I. He looks at me with a worry-filled stare.

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