Emperors' Rise

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(Naeus' POV:)

"He's waking up!" I heard a voice whisper, as I gain consciousness. When I open my eyes, I am greeted by a wonderful blast of light hitting me right in the eyes. Ow. Everyone's gotta stop doing that in these stories! We already know it's not gonna end well.

  "Yes that was quite the dumb move." I hear Keres taunt. I growl and try opening my eyes again, this time not entirely blinded by the light. I sat up looking at the two people in the room.

"How do you feel m'lord?" Zarkos questions, holding a silver mirror in his hands.

  "Different." Naeus responds, admiring his new body. "How do I look?"

  "Different." Zarkos response, handing him the silver mirror. Naeus looks in awe at himself.

  My bones had been injected (and even a few replaced) with mass amounts of Netherite ingots, crafted into a new skeletal system. My whole body is now my armor. I do have an area near his left eye that Zarkos couldn't inject the netherite, but he said there'd be little side effects.

  Due to the amount used, it had altered the color of my bones, giving all but my unchanged spot a shiny grey look, my old headband was replaced with two new horns protruding from my skull; so what I'm saying is that I look pretty cool to say the least.

  Entity seemingly offered it to me as a way to "start off the alliance well", but I don't know whether or not he had any other motives. Honestly I can't find it in me to care at the current moment. I'm practically unbeatable now.

  "How's the plan coming along Keres?" I ask, admiring myself in the silver mirror, to which she takes away from me.

  "From what I hear, Entity attacked and left Abigail's wife banged up in a war zone. My sources say Ceris lost a leg and took some fatal burns and wounds that should've ended her by that night. It's been days since then and there's been no word on a funeral. She must've used it on her." Keres reports.

  I feel a smile creep up on my face. "Good. With Abigail focused on her new rising kingdom, she'll have no idea what's wrong until it's too late. I order you to monitor the former Matriarch. Make sure she has a smooth recovery.

  She's going to need it."

(Abigail's POV:)

  "Knock knock!" I beam as I open the door to the nearly empty hospital ward. It didn't take long for me to find Ceris (especially with her new look). She was now completely un-bandaged, and sitting up in bed with a book. Once she saw me, she quickly slides in a bookmark the spot in her book before closing it. I subconsciously smile seeing her there, walking over, and sitting down at the foot of her bed, placing my shopping bag down on the floor.

  The totem seemed to have caused a miracle, and healed Ceris in ways modern medicine couldn't. It repaired the all skin, muscle, and tissue that was previously blown off with hardly any signs she had been in such a state, damaged organs were working smoothly, and like with what Ciara said she didn't even appear to be in any pain. Sadly, the totem couldn't grow her a new leg, but a prosthetic was on the way!

  "Hey! How did the trip go Abby?" She asks, placing my book on the nightstand, turning her attention to me.

  "It went well! I spoke with the Wither leader about the rebuilding of the Nether, and the Pigmen and Withers volunteers are starting reconstruction." I say with a smile, although it quickly fades. "They're were no fights... but everyone kind of... kept to themselves I guess. I guess I kind of hoped they'd be all in good terms again after the treaty was signed. Though I guess that was wishful thinking." I admit sadly, looking at the floor. Ceris holds my chin and gently guides my head up and makes me look at her

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