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(???'s POV:)
I woke up in a strange room, with doctors all around me... or, at least I think they were doctors? I really don't know. The 'doctors' seemed to be talking to me, but I didn't hear them. Only the sound of ringing filled my ears. One of those medical flashlights were shown into what would be my eyes. Slowly, the noise went away, and I was able to hear their voices,

"Sir? Can you hear us?" One said to me. I slightly nodded in response, feeling too weak to speak.

"Someone get Entity. The patient is waking up and responding." Another said to what I assumed to be a nurse?

Everything hurt. It felt like every bone in my body was completely broken, and every mussels was torn to pieces. Not only that, but I felt dizzy, exhausted, but not only that, I didn't know where in the heck I was! Last think I know, I'm watching chaos issue, then, I feel like something is ripping apart my chest, I black out, then all of a sudden I'm here!

"Where... am..." I tried to speak, however, my throat felt so dry and torn that I couldn't speak.

The nurse had put a finger over her mouth, "Please save your strength sir! Entity should be here any moment." The nurse said.

Just then, a dark figure in the shape of a man had walked in. The man walked up to the foot of my bed, as the doctor and nurses propped me up, then I could get a better look at him.

He wore a white cloak, and had glowing red eyes. I don't know what, but... I remembered him from somewhere. Maybe a book?

The man known as 'Entity' held out his semi-translucent hand out to me.

"I am called the corruptor. Welcome to the base of the Red Legion, King Naeus."
(Amelia's POV:)

I woke up on the couch, at my house.
Storm and I had been looking through old books and such for hours before finally passing out here.

Sadly, even with all our hard work and searching, it was no avail. We found very little of this 'dream realm,' and most of it was already things we knew. Now, I have work to attend, along with try and find this...

Hopefully dad is discharged from the hospital soon... he could show me how to do this. I thought, looking up at the ceiling.

As I slowly descend into a thought process of stress, I could feel another headache begging to surface. Mentally, I sigh, as I rub my forehead, as I felt as if there was an ocean of pain, and wave by wave, kept pushing to the surface.

I was about to move when I felt something lying on top me shift. I look to see Storm, fast asleep on my chest. All his features were soft, and relaxed, as he was calmly asleep, his head on my chest.

He looks so at peace. I thought, brushing his hair through with my fingers.

His hair felt thick, yet so soft, and smooth. His short, purple hair was quite easy to brush my rough hands through. I feel smile happily, watching him sleep, so gently, as I felt the waves of my headache slowly stop.

After a few minutes, Storm's eyes slowly opened and met mine. As soon as he saw me, he smiled brightly before yawning and stretching.

"Mornin'!" He yawned.

"Good morning Storm." I say, as I sit up, and look through the pile of books we both plowed through.

Storm got up, and looked like he was about to go to the kitchen when he froze. "That's creepy."

I look at him confused, "What is?"

He looked back at me, "You said you pulled every book of of every shelf... right?" He asked.

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