Naeus' plan

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Naeus' POV:

"IDIOT!" The corruptor screamed, slamming his fists into the table.

We had just recently found out that Clover, a decent of Ceris has fallen due to her own child, Stella the End Matriarch. She may have been an idiot, but to an extent she made a valuable weapon against the End.

  "Did you find the Pig King?" Entity huffed out.

  I shake my head, and sigh. "No, not yet sir." We all answer shakily.

He picked up his own chair and tosses it at the door, hitting an unfortunate guard who walked in at the wrong moment. "YOU'RE IN THE WAY!" He screamed at the poor guard before slamming his hands on the table, over the map.

Irifnash shook her head, and addressed the guard. "What is your reason for being here?" She asked.

The guard handed me reports, seeming too terrified to hand them to Entity. I looked through them quite intrigued. "When the lab discover this?" I ask, addressing the person that walked in.

"T—These are just a theories, but scientifically—" The guard answered shakily.

"But scientifically-" Entity mocked.

"Shut your trap." I say with half a mind, looking at these theories. Not even a minute passed after I said that before Entity grabbed me by the collar, scowling.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME? I SAVED YOUR LIFE! DON'T THINK YOU CAN TALK TO ME IN SUCH DISRESPECT!" He screamed, yet I hardly flinch. I hand over the theories.

"Read this and tell me this isn't something useful." I say simply, handing him the notes, letting him read it through. He frustratedly gripped them in one hand, as he held my neck with the other. I watch as his eyes scan the paper, as he slowly loosened his grip the more he read on.

"Huh... so those nerds cosplaying as scientists actually found something useful for me!" He exclaimed, dropping me completely.

"Told you." I scoff, and he rolled his eyes.

"Fine fine." He sighed. "Do you have the scientist that wrote these theories?" Entity asked as he attempts to flatten the crinkled paper. The guard nods, and stepped aside to reveal a spider-like woman. She bowed to us.

"You asked for me Sire?" She asked, her voice raspy and strangled.

The woman had two sets of arms, fangs, and a few sets of piercing red eyes. You can defiantly tell she has spider-blood in her veins, yet also human as well. She had thick, bluntly cut black hair with goggles on her head. Her outfit consisted of a lab coat, a simple white button up, and leggings.

"So, you are the scientist that made these claims?" Entity asked simply, handing her back her research. She took it in one of her hands.

"I'd think of them more like the unexplored sides of science and not 'claims' but yes. I did." She said simply.

Irifnash looked at the girl with slight interest. "What is your name child?" She asked.

"Well I would hope you would know my queen..." The woman sighed. "You gave me the name Keres my lady."

Entity looked up at spider queen. "Ah! So this is one of your young? What human?" He asked her. She shrugged.

"Not sure. Whenever I use human blood for the spider eggs, I take it from the people who lived in those raided villages. Ones that are if not already dead. Never blood of a living human." Irifnash said simply, looking down at her. Entity frowned.

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