The Enchantress and the Mage

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-This chapter starts off a year or so before both Stella and Rain were born-
(Clover's POV:)

Positive. I thought, looking at my test. Finally, the plan to get Ceris overthrown was in action.

I got up, and out of the bathroom, and take my small notebook off my bookshelf, and my quill to write to the end mage, to tell him the plan was set in motion.

"Really?" He responded almost immediately.

"Yes. Now if we stick to the plan, in nineteenth years, we will be the new leaders over the end." I respond, smiling maliciously.

"Nineteenth years... seriously?"

"Lance, I told you before. If we play this safe we'll both get what we want and never have to see each other, or this damn kid again!" I wrote back angrily.

"But I want to rule now. Not 'in eighteen years'!"

That was it. I took my test, conjured up an end portal, and hop through. Once I spawn, I bolt into the castle, on a hunt for Lance. I tried to sneak up the stairs to their housing before I heard a loud voice come from behind me.

"Clover?" The Matriarch said from behind me, startling everyone in the room.

"Damnit." I say, turning around to face my ancestor, Ceris standing there.

"Everyone, as you were." She addressed the household. Not wanting to really speak to her, I tried to sneak away, however, she caught me. "Everyone accept, you, Clover."

I sigh annoyed, and walk down the stairs, over to the taller woman. "What do you want." I mutter, crossing my arms.

Her eyes narrowed, "Heading to the kitchen to get another cup of coffee. Now the real question is, what are you doing here?" She asked.

Shoot! I thought, not wanting to tell her anything. "None of your business!" I snap, pointing a finger in her face. Ceris just sighed, and shook her head.

"I guess it's not... but if you were coming to visit, you could have just sent a guard to come look for me instead of snoop into the housing."

I scoff, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. Hey. If you actually want to be of any good use, you could tell me where Lance is."

She raised a brow, "Uh, he should be in the library. But I didn't think Lance would be someone you'd be okay with hanging around."

Not my first choice. I thought sarcastically, remembering how annoying, and extra he is. But, he is of use to me at the moment, so I'll keep him around until I am able to walk away and never see him again in my life.

"Well, I am, now are you going tell me we where they library is?"

She sighed, and pointed to a hallway to the right of us. "Down that hall, make a left, and it's the second set of double doors on your right. Need anything else?" She asked.

"Not from you!" I say, before running off to the library. When I opened the double doors, I saw Lance in there reading. I run up to him, and throw my book at him.

"Ow!" He shouts, "What the-" I interrupt him by grabbing the collar of his shirt, and pull him closer.

"Listen here you impatient knucklehead." I whisper harshly. "If we do this quickly and sloppy, it could cost us out lives. Or even worse, our magic. But if we play our cards right, Ceris will go down, and there will be no one but us to take over and rule this great empire."

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