Chaos, but it's home

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(Amelia's POV:)

We were all on the corse for home again! This time, with a new member joining us on our trip home to Frostbourne.

The Pig King wanted to see Abigail, and meet her significant other— even though they have already met— and his granddaughter. Yes, word slipped up of Abigail having a daughter of her own, and Glutton pretty much freaked out. I think he's excited to meet little Olivia.

Stella is excited to get home too... though, for other reasons. She wants to go home, and get some sleep. Lady Stella still hasn't gotten over whatever she's coming down with. If anything it might have gotten worse with the nausea she felt this morning. She says it's probably food poisoning, and that she'll be fine. Her symptoms line up with those of food poisoning, so I'm guessing she ate something weird before coming here.

Anyways! We had made almost record timing, and should be back by noonish. Thankfully, we were able to get some people to swap out horses so that the injured Pig King was able to ride a horse instead of walk, and so that the End Matriarch didn't have to walk home on foot in her condition. However, that does mean that a few switches had to be made. Some were good like Deimitri and my brother, while others...

"You're going to push me off!" Ceris said, weakly hitting the pig king in the back.

"I'm not going to push you off Ceris! At least not unintentionally." He grumbled.

"Um... you mean intentionally? Right?" She asked.

"If you don't stop hitting me, then you will find out which one I mean pretty damn soon." He said.

I laugh a little bit watching their small quarrel from afar. Then Deimitri and Aaron road up to me. Aaron was reading the map, yet hugging his boyfriend at the same time.

"You know, it's going to be really hilarious when he finds out Ceris and him are related through marriage." Deimitri laughed quietly.

"I know. We aren't that far away from Frostbourne by now, so it won't be long before he finds out." I whispered.

The two of us slowly drifted apart from one another, and kept walking.

Eventually, we began to see the front gates of the Frostbourne in the distance, and my carefree smile vanished, and in replaced itself with a guilty feeling.

The main point of the mission was to postpone the idea of war for as long as we can. And what makes it worse, is that it was me who called for arms. Not Entity, not Ceris, not even Stella. It. Was. Me! What would happen when everyone finds out I was the one who called for war? What if Hilda finds out? Or mom? Or dad?

I start panicking inside. As a quick reaction, I put my helmet on to cover my worried expression. I'm pretty sure Lady Stella noticed, because she ended up riding up next to me.

"Hey sweetheart... are you doing- ow- okay?" She asked, trying to not move much.

"I'm fine." I mumble, my voice disoriented due to the helmet. "Are you okay? Food poisoning getting better or worse."

She shook her head, "Worse, and kind of feeling like I want to die. But I didn't come over here to talk about how I'm feeling." Stella said, touching my shoulder, "How are you really feeling honey?" The enchantress asked.

I take off my helmet, revealing my worried face, "What if I made the wrong call? What if there was more we all could've done?" I asked.

The woman shook her head, "General, there isn't anything more we could have done. He purposefully called us there so that you could declare war yourself. He had no interest in any kind of peace."

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