The Dad's Chapter!

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(Amelia's POV:)

  "And all you've gotta do is sign , stamp it, and you're done!" I instructed Storm. He did, and laid his quill and the wax-stamper down on the table, and rest his head against my shoulder. I smile and close up the ink and put out the candle heating the wax.

"Man... how do you do this everyday. All this paperwork is exhausting..." Storm sighed tiredly.

He was true to his word and absorbed the information like a sponge almost. Now we have a little system working here! He takes the —easier— stuff I taught him how to do yesterday while I take the —harder— other things. Eventually I'll teach him more, but for now this is enough!

  "It is... but hey! On the bright side, you finished your share of work!" I say with a smile. "And in record timing too!" He smiled and brushed his hair out of his face. I cup his cute face and kiss his forehead.

"Are you done with your work?" He asked cutely, a bit of blush dusting his cheeks. I nod, and wrap my arms around his waist.

  "Mhm! Well... the morning share of work. There is a lot more that is delivered here between lunch and dinner, but since we tackled all this so early, that'll take no time at all—fingers crossed. But we can go get some breakfast from downstairs before going on patrol if you'd like?" I suggest. He nodded.

  "Yeah! It'd be nice to have a break from all this! Plus, you still need to eat breakfast!" Storm sprang up, allowing me to get up. I clean up a few loose papers while Storm waited by the door. I was almost done when the door opened.

  "Um... what are you two doing up so early?" A new voice asked. I look to see my dad standing at the door, a confused look on his face.

"O—Oh... dad..." I say quietly as I finished sorting everything.

"H--Hello there Mr. Patrick!" Storm said quickly. He sounds quite nervous, he was never this nervous around my father? Dad seemed to be confused too, but shrugged it off.

"Well... Storm and I were wrapping up the morning work." I say, filing the assortment of paperwork, pausing for a moment. "I haven't seen you since we got the news at the hospital..." I mumble.

"Neither I you. Or even heard from you." He said calmly. I stop and sigh heavily. "Do you have a moment Ame?"

"...Sure... I guess I have some time." I mumble. "Uh, Storm, I'll meet you in the dining hall I guess?"

  Storm nods immediately, and almost runs out of the room, closing the door behind him. We look at the door for a minute confused before dad spoke:

  "Man... your mom was right about no purple-haired people. He looks like he's meeting his girlfriend's angry dad!" He said ironically. "I hope whatever partner you have isn't that tense when meeting me..."

  It took everything in me to stifle my laughter. "Anyway dad, what is it you wanted to say?"

  "Right! Sorry, I shouldn't keep you for long..." He said, walking up to me. I can now see his leg-brace and cane from here. He stops. "It's... my cane isn't it... and the brace?"

  "What do you mean." I ask.

"...You kinda tensed up a bit..." He answers. "Are you... are you doing okay? Mom, Aaron, myself... heck, not even Daryll has even heard from you since the news... we're all really worried about you."

I shrug. "I've... been busy..." Dad sighed and walks up next to me. I don't look up, and instead keep my eyes fixated on the floor. "You and mom of all people should know how demanding this job is."

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