The Totem

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(Neaus' POV:)
Earlier that morning...

"And... the control poison." Keres orders me. I swiftly hand it to her the bottle she had of it, to which she took immediately took. She closely inspects it before pouring the small amount into the brewer along with a few other highly measured ingredients.

  Thankfully Entity cooled down after the meeting and realized how groundbreaking this poison concept is. He didn't bring her a humanoid test subjects like she requested, but he did give her her own small laboratory! Although... calling it a lab is being a little generous, but we can make do with what we have. For phase two of our plan is now in action.

"I need the bit of your DNA I collected. It's in the Petri dish in the containment area." She orders again, pointing to the more or less glorified refrigerator.

  I sprint over to collect it before carefully handing it off to her. "Goggles down!" She said, closing her top set of eyes (to which her goggles didn't cover.) Once our goggles were over our eyes, she took the bit of crushed bone I let her collect and carefully poured them into the brewer, turning up the heat of it.

"How long does it take?" I ask impatiently.

"Cool it skull-face. You can't rush science. Not unless you want your bones to be charcoal. If I rush it, it could blow this whole place up!" She hisses, letting the mixture bubble.

"Sheesh, fine. Didn't know the ingredients were that unstable!" I shrug. She shook her head.

"A totems of undying along with ender pearls, ender eyes, and end crystals are the only non man-made magic items classified as a level 4 blue diamonds."

I just stare at her. "And you expect me to know what that means how?" I answer. Keres groans in response.

"If you're messing around with them and don't know what in the overworld you're doing your ass blows up and you kill yourself and everything within three miles. Is that dumbed down enough for your understanding?" She hisses again, this time getting all up in my face, all her eyes open, giving me a piercing glare.

  "Okay! Okay! Sheesh. Get back to work." I roll my eyes, crossing my arms.

  She didn't respond to me. A while passed with no discussion amongst us, the only noise coming from the bubbling, boiling potion, and the 'scientists' outside this small labradorite.

"I think it's time." She picked up the totem and walked to get something. I walk up next to her and peer at the concoction of different potion ingredients while she came back a test tube in one hand.

"So how long does this take?"

  "Not long. Sheesh, stop being impatient. I just need to combine the totem with the serum." She said as she carefully used an eye dropper to measure the serum into the test tube. About half of it filled the tube, and she orders me to store the rest.

  "Now... the moment of truth..." She said, the test tube hovering just above the totem. I take a few steps back —not that it would help, but just out of instinct— as she poured the mixture on the totem before cringing back. I expected it to... I don't know... blow up? But it didn't. Nothing happened.

  She look at it, confusion written all over her face. "That's unusual—" But as she said that, the brightest light I have ever seen blasted across the room, knocking her along with everything else over. I cringe and duck down.

  "Oh Notch! We're dying! We're dea—"

  "Heh! Calm down worry-wart! That's the reaction I was looking for!" I hear her say, trying to catch her breath.

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