Take a break

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(Amelia's POV:)

My head pops off my pillow, as I hear a loud scream of pain. I look over at my brother, (who I was sharing a tent with) he looked startled and closed his book.

"What was that?" I ask.

He shrugged his shoulders, and started to climb out of the tent with me following tiredly behind him. Everyone who out of their tents, were very confused. Aaron walked over to his boyfriend, and started asking questions. I walked over to Lady Stella, who was curled up on a log by the campfire all alone. She seemed to not be doing well.

"Hey, Stella. What was that?" I ask, referring to the scream.

Stella looked at me and said, "No clue... but Ceris, Daryll, and a few other guards went to go check out where it came from."

I nod, and sat down on the log next to hers, "Hey! Are you feeling any better?"

She shook her head, "No... if anything I feel worse."

"I'm sorry. Is anything different? Or did your headache get worse?" I ask concerned.

"Both." Stella grumbled uncomfortably.

After the meeting, Stella started to get a small headache. Myself and everyone else thought it was probably because of the amount of yelling during the meeting. She agreed, but Ceris said if she felt any worse to go talk to her. I promised her as soon as we got back, she could take some time off to get some rest.

"What's wrong now?"

"Not only is my head hurting worse, but now my back is killing me."

"Are you sure none of the water from back there splashed on you? Nine times out of ten Entity contaminated it with something to do harm to us. Do you think that is the problem?"

She shook her head, "I stayed on the far end of the table. It would have hit Ceris before me, and she seems fine."

I frown at her, "Well, don't worry m'lady! We will be home by tomorrow afternoon! Until then, you might want to rest in your sleeping bag." I say.

"I suppose you could be right." She said, but then started laughing, "Is this just me getting old?" She joked.

We both laugh a bit before her eyes widen.

"What's wro-..." I was saying before looking behind me. There, the guards were carrying the snow-covered pig king to me. The king looked in a lot of pain.

"My lady Amelia," One of them said, "We found him near this clearing. He's out cold but seems-"

Just then, Aaron ran up, "He's freezing!"

They turn to him, some gave him a funny look, while some looked concerned, "Don't you remember! He's from the Nether! He isn't used to this kind of climate!"

I nod, and turn to the guards, "Are there any heat sources nearby that could work?" I ask.

One of the guards shook his head, "Nothing ma'am."

Aaron starts snapping his fingers to think, "Someone get a few blankets, and you all, put him down by the fire pit."

Everyone just pauses for a minute, "What are you waiting for? Go!" I said, raising my voice.

Just like that, they were off!

I sigh, rubbing my forehead as my previous headache worsened. Aaron put his hand on my shoulder.

Unlike Lady Stella, Aaron could determine the cause of my headache. He said it was most likely due to stress, and said I should try to find ways to stay calmer. I've tried, but nothing really works yet.

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