The Enchantress's family

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(Stella's POV:)

I stood there frozen completely, as Lance explained everything to me... Clover's plan for me... everything. I slump to the ground, and hold my head up with my hands.

Clover told me for years that I was born and would eventually die worthless, but never did I think that was the truth. For my whole life I just thought she had just made a mistake, and poof, there I was... but no. I was planned, but for horrible reasons. The only reason I was born, and the only reason I'm here was to be killed, to kill the one I actually think of as my mom, to cause tyranny across my people, even to possibly destroy everything I love today...

She was right... I am nothing...
I'm just a pig for slaughter...

He frowned, "I'm sorry you had to find out this way Stella. I truly am. But... if it helps, from what I've noticed about you, you are rather remarkable, I'll give you that."

"What do you mean by that?" I ask, a bit of bitterness in my voice.

"You managed to get here without any in person guidance. Just a spellbook. And without an ender gorf's usage I assume. That requires quite a strong user, with quite a lot of power. A lot of it. And you risked it all for one person... just for him. I don't really know many who would do such a thing like that, so it's rather... refreshing to see."

I float his spellbook into my hand, "How did you know I had your book?"

He smirked, "I may not have gotten to meet, however your energy isn't much different from mine. And in my human form, I can sense any magical presence I recognize, and/or is similar to mine. While Clover was fighting, I was over here, sensing the magic of everyone in the room. I could sense you come in, and I thought I'd give you a hint..."

"What?" I ask.

The mage sighed, "All I wanted to do was take a nap as a small froggy, but instead, I got threatened by Clover, and had to help her try to kill you. So, I thought I'd give you a little fatherly helping hand. I wanted you to come here and kill her."

  "Why? Why couldn't you just kill her, and saved us all the trouble?" I ask, furiously, know knowing this whole situation could have been avoided.

  "She doesn't underestimate me. Throughout our whole plan, she has kept watch of me. Suspicious of me always. If I would have attempted to take her down on her turf... I would have crashed and burnt. She was always like that, never underestimating the any of the Enderwatchers, Ceris, no one. She always took note of weaknesses, strengths, perceptiveness on a situation, etc. And she may sound like a total idiot, but she knows better to rush into battle blindly. But I knew there was one person she's easily overlook."

"Who?" I question.

"You." He said simply. "I guess she thinks you inherited my 'think you're better than everyone,' which I'm trying to work on, but she never saw you as a serious threat. No matter your title."

"Gee, thanks for that Lance." I cross my arms.

"I apologize on how harsh that sounds, but didn't you ever notice that while in battle. Maybe she thought you'd cut her some slack because she 'brought you into this world out of the kindness of her heart' or some toxic shit like that."

  I was about to say something, when I thought for a minute. That look Clover gave me... the one before I stabbed her in the throat. She just assumed that I would give her mercy and let her run like I did last time. Was that her overlooking me...

"She... had done the sort." I say, sadly, before I reached for my sword. It found its way to my grasp, and I point it at him. "But why do YOU care what she's done to me! You were never there, nor did you make any attempt to save me! I'm not letting you in my life now! You're too late! 38 years late!"

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