Old friends

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My brother and I walk up to the camp fire to see the pig king sitting there. He looked a bit scared, and confused and what was happening. He looked at me,

"W-Who are you? Where am I?" He asked.

I was about to walk up to the king, but froze when I saw him flinch.

Wait! My sword. I thought before carefully placing my sword on the ground to show I had no intent of hurting him. I then start to approach him, and he seemed a little bit more calm.

"Sir, my name is Lady Amelia, the temporary general and leader of Frostbourne. My men found you unconscious in the woods, and brought you back here. We want to help you." I say calmly.

He looks at me skeptically, "How long has it been? Since my death?" He asked.

I paused trying to think, before Ceris said, "It's been 20 years."

He looked over at Ceris, and his face hardened, "Ceris the End Matriarch." He grumbled.

"Glutton the Nether king." She mumbled, walking over to the injured king.

Aaron and I take a small step back, as Ceris approached. The pig king tossed the blanket over, and walked up to the former queen. And even though he towered over her, she still kept her intimating face.

"So... uh... you two know each other?" Aaron asked, slightly terrified.

"Quite a bit." Glutton said, still having a stare down with Ceris.

Ceris sighed, "It's good to see you are okay. Abby would be glad to know that you're alive."

His eyes widened, "Abby! She's alive?" He gasped before turning to me, "Wait... twenty years. What about the Nether? Did she take over as queen? Where is she now?"

"Lady Abigail? She's in Frostbourne right now. And... no, she never took over. After Naeus's rule, nobody else trusted a monarchy, and it wasn't safe for her and her family to return-" I was saying, before he stopped.

"Wait... family... She got MARRIED! WHO? I SWEAR IF ITS THAT KID, RAIN, I'LL-"

"Actually..." Stella interrupted, still sounding not so great "She's not married to Rain... I am."

Glutton stopped and turned to the Matriarch, "Oh, well I'm sorry for you then." He said.

Immediately, everyone started bursting out laughing, including Stella! When everyone slowly stopped laughing, Glutton asked,

"So, who is my little girl married to? Are they good to her? If they aren't, I'll need my hammer and a space in the graveyard."

Aaron opened his mouth to explain that it was Ceris, when she scrambled up to my baby brother, covering his mouth. She turned back to him, and smiled to hide her worry,

"She should be the one to tell you herself! And she can introduce you to them in person. Oh, and don't worry!" Ceris said kind of worried.

He turned to me, "Is my Abby's significant other good to her? Or am I gonna need to throw hands for my little girl."

I nod, "They very much so are!"

The king smiled, "Well that's good. It's not that I don't trust my little girl, I just want to make sure she is doing as well as she can. This world is a deceitful place." He said, and Ceris points at him, and looks at me,

"See." She said, referring to her point from earlier. I roll my eyes,

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Learn to take breaks, and the people who love you want the same for you as you to them." I say.

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