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I'm sat there holding her hand, stroking her palm with my thumb.

Ceris is on her deathbed. During the fight... she was patrolling the palace for Lance when it got bombed. Ceris' armor may have protected her right side, but, it seems like it doesn't matter.

My wife's entire right side took severe damage. Her leg is hardly salvageable and had almost completely blew off, she also had a series of third—even fourth-degree burns covering her torso, arms, and face. The doctors tried everything they could, but... they said she'll be lucky to make it the night.

Thankfully the Dragonspire army managed to fight back against their invaders and capture the leader responsible for the attack—the vex knight, Ferlak—along with his men. However, they did take heavy losses.

My bottom lip quivers as I look at her. She is head-to-toe in bandages, leaving very little of her still exposed; her burnt and disheveled, hair is stiff, the dyed-in magenta streaks are splattered with blood.

Right now, she's fast asleep, lightly snoring with every breath she takes. I would normally smile and admire how cute her little snores are. But now, I observe every breath she takes in, afraid that if I look away, even for a second, she may not take another.

What if it doesn't work. I ponder, fidgeting with my gloves. How do I tell Olivia? How am I going to raise our baby alone? I thought, tears welling up in my eyes.

I hear the door open behind me and wipe those tears from my eyes before turning around. There I see Ciara the assassin standing there with the wrapped totem. I get out of my chair and turn to face her, crossing my arms uncomfortably.

  "I assume you couldn't find Lance?" I ask Ciara, my else locked on the ground. Even after we made it clear that we weren't going to absolutely rip each other apart, I'm still not the most comfortable around her. After all she killed so many... she's still quite intimidating.

  She shook her head and hands me the totem. I slightly unwrap it and sigh relieved that it was still in one piece. "Good... you didn't break it."

She stifled her laughter being how late it is. "You still don't trust me?"

"Can't imagine why." I respond sharply, examining the totem closer.

Ciara sighs. "...I'm sorry. I shouldn't be joking in this situation."

"Has Stella found out yet?" I ask, turning back to my wife.

"... Yeah... she knows. Rain is with her, so I'm sure she'll be okay." She said, as I hear her fidgeting with something. Knowing her I swiftly turn around, to see her messing with some sort of package.

"What's that?" I question.

She shrugs. "Protein bar." The assassin answers offering it to me. "Figured you're probably starving considering you missed dinner, so I thought I'd bring you something."

I pause looking at her in the eye before accepting it, but not eating it yet. I just look back at the totem. It falls quiet again, as I stare down at it, unsure of this.

What if this doesn't work? What will I do then? I ponder, unwrapping the totem, holding it in the light. But when I do, I hear a gasp behind me. I turn and jump to see Ciara.

"Notch! Are you trying to give me a heart attack here!" I whisper harshly. After all Ceris is still asleep. "I thought you left!"

"Well clearly I didn't. Now the real question: when did you get a totem?" She questions. "I thought Lance was hording all of them? How did you get your hands on one? Speaking of him; how did you get one that looks like it's twinning with that old toad."

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