In the belly of the beast part 1

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-Quite a few hours later-
(Ellie's POV:)

Mum had left to the clinic at around noon. Now it was almost eleven at night, and she's still not home. Everyone got worried for her. Storm and Olivia came home at around four after getting some ice cream, and taking Olivia to the park for a few hours. Storm went to check on mom at the clinic after a few hours, but than found out she was waiting on something and would be home in a bit. That was around five hours ago and no sign of mum.

I was pacing the hallway nervously, waiting for mom to get back. The tension alone struck everyone in the kingdom hard, and if something bad had happened to mum... if both Enderwatchers were in danger, then it won't be looking so good for us.

Right now, I am the last one awake in the castle besides the staff and such. Ceris, Abigail, and Olivia are asleep in Ceris's old room from when she was Matriarch. Amelia and her guards, though they were much help in looking, had to go back to their own dimension a few hours ago. They still had there own stuff to deal with. And last, but not least, Storm went to our room a while ago, and I'm close to joining him. I'm exhausted after today. Thankfully Amelia suggested a breathing technique to me to help with headaches. If not, I feel like my head would've exploded.

All of a sudden, I heard the door downstairs open, and someone walk in. I bolt down the hall, almost tripping on the rug to get to the stairwell. I looked down to see mom walking in.

She was tiptoeing across the thrown room towards the staircase. Mum was carrying a few pieces of paper- from what I assume to be the doctor- in one hand, along with holding the skirt of her long black dress and her shoes in the other.

"Mum...!" I nearly shouted, as I hopped on the banister, and slid down to her, and hugged her tightly, "You're home! You're safe!" I say.

She looked at me worriedly, "What are you doing still awake? It's far too late to be up sweetheart."

"Why was I up? I was up, because you didn't come back! We all thought something happened when you didn't come back! If your weren't back by morning, I thought I'd have to send out guards to look for you!" I nearly shout, which I normally wouldn't even think of doing- since she is still my mother- but she gave everyone a heart attack.

Mum hung her head, "I'm sorry I didn't come home sooner. The doctor wanted to run a few extra tests on me and such." She replied.

Wait a minute... extra tests. That's not really a good sign. I thought, a little scared. "Mum, are you okay... what extra tests did they need to run?" She paused for a second, than shook her head.

"It's nothing to worry about now. I'm fine, just like I said. Now, it's late. After today, I think we all need our rest." Mum said, her voice gentle and calm. "Let's get you to bed."

She than took my hand, and we both walked up the stairs, towards mine, and my brother's room. I carefully opened the door, as to not wake him up, but that failed.

"Sis? What are you still doing up-" He was saying tiredly before mum had walked in. "Mom!"

Both mum and I walked over to my brother and my beds. I plopped down on mine, and rolled myself up in the warm covers, while mom sat on the edge of Storm's bed. We could tell she was worried.

"I'm going to go back to my room, and grab a pair of pajamas real quick. I'll be back soon my babies." She said softly.

Storm groaned, "Mom, we aren't babies anymore."

She giggled, "Children will always be thought of as babies to their momma."

Brother sighed, but than later laughed as he buried himself deeper into his blankets. "Goodnight mum." We both said simultaneously. Mom walked up to the two of us, and kissed us both on the forehead, before we both slowly drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
(Stella's POV:)

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