The Queens' Quarrel

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"Is everything ready?"

"Yes'sir. The doctor's in Frostbourne seem to have taken no hint of suspicion from the appearance of the totem, Ceris has recently started physical therapy and has gotten her new prosthetic, and the now to-be-Queen Crysteffor seems to be at her most comfortable in a long time. I'd sat the timing is perfect."

"Good. It's time for stage two."

"The control potion's ready whenever you are, Naeus."


"See you tomorrow Hero!" I said, moving Olivia to my other arm so I can wave to him. He waves back, heading to the hospital staff housing. I walk down the halls to Ceris' room carrying Olivia and my new packaged crown to surprise my partner.

Olivia stirs but falls right back asleep in my arms. Guess she and Annie had a good play date!

When I got to my partner's room, I go to adjust Olivia again so I can open the door. I reach for the handle, but to my surprise, it swiftly turned and opened.

"Oh! Mum!" Stella exclaims, jumping back a bit in surprise.

  "Hey Stella! Rain. It's been a while!" I respond.

  Stella smiles and pulls me into a hug. She seems more energetic than she had a few weeks ago before I started getting involved with the Nether! She looks good too!

  "Auntie Stwelly." Olivia mumbles, completely exhausted. I brush a bit of hair out of her face, and look back at the two; however I couldn't help but notice the small figure of my partner in the background looking over at me.

"Hi mama..." Olivia mumbles again, tiredly waving to her mom. Ceris giggles and waves back.

"I assume you're here to visit Ceris?" Rain asks, however, not as joyful as his wife. He looks uneasy as he looks back at my partner.

"Well, yeah! Though, I'm not sure if I can take this little one in." I say, referring to my sleepy daughter.

  "We can watch her!" Stella suggests. "I have an appointment for the baby in ten minutes—give or take! But we can keep an eye on her until then!" She said with a smile. Rain tries to put a smile on as well, but something was definitely off, I could see it in his eyes.

  "Rain? Everything alright?" I ask. Stella turns to look at him. He takes a quick glance at both of us before letting out an awkward chuckle, almost like he got caught.

  "Yeah! I'm great! Just... uh... pre-parental panicking?"

  "Rain we already have two children." His wife mentions, seeming quite confused too.

  "Is it a crime to worry about your health?" He asks genuinely before kissing her forehead. "I'm just stressed, okay?" I could hear him whisper to her. She nods, looking up at him worriedly before turning back to me.

"We'll be right outside! Go on! Go on! Don't let us keep you waiting!" Stella said with a smile, accepting my young girl in her arms before her and Rain step aside, Rain holding the door open for me.

  I take a step in and place the bagged crown on a table by the door, but before I could say anything, I turn to see Ceris swiftly finishing putting on her new prosthetic leg. She slowly stood up, and walks over to hug me. My eyes widen, as tears of joy well up in my eyes. I tangle my hands in her short dark grey hair, leaning into her shoulder. My partner pulls away and cups my face, wiping the tears from my eyes.

  "How's your day been Abby?" Ceris asks, trying to be serious, but can't stop smiling. I lean into her hands.

"Perfect..." I cry of joy. My partner whom was on Death's door just a week ago was now standing in front of me. And the news with the Nether, everything just seems so... good now. "—Though, can I be perfect sitting down, my legs are on fire!" I add with a small chuckle.

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