The egg

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(Stella's POV:)

I was beginning to feel a bit better when I took a breath of the cold end air. I think Rain could tell I was feeling a lot better, and carefully put me down. I took my daughter, and husband's hands, and we walked towards the palace.

A group of endermen walked up to us, and bowed,

"Matriarch Stella, Dragon king Rain. Thank you for coming." The head enderman said.

"At ease soldiers." I say, and they get up, "What is the reason you called us here?" I ask.

The head enderman nodded, "Right, it's about the dragon. She hardly moves, and looks to be quite sick." They said.

Rain looks concerned, "That doesn't sound good at all. Take us to her." He said.

The enderman nodded, "Of corse m'lord. Right this way." He said, and we walked towards the castle.

Rain, Ellie, and I started to follow them, when suddenly got a strange feeling, and if two isn't enough. But this time, the feeling wasn't about my sickness, or about the dragon. This time, I felt like we were being watched.

I tried to see if there was any dark magic presences, to which I quickly detected one. However, I couldn't pinpoint it. All I knew is that she was there. Clover was there.

My girl must have noticed and signaled everyone to hold, "Mum? Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah... everything is fine." I say, as my blue eyes carefully looked around the forest of chorus fruit trees that surrounded us. She could be anywhere!

Rain touched me on the arm, and I saw the same look of suspicion on his face. He probably had the same feeling I did.

"Let's just quickly get home. The sooner we get there, the sooner the guards can start looking." He quietly whispered into my ear. I nod.

"Okay." I say, "Let's move. Quickly!"


We had finally made it to the end palace, to which I felt much safer to be in. If Clover were to show herself here, she would meet her demise against either myself, Rain, Elie, or our guards.

The three of us walked with the guards to the stables to see a very tired, and hungry looking dragon. She seemed as if she was fighting exhaustion, and the urge to go to sleep. But sidestepping that, there was an odd thing I did notice. She seemed to be wrapped around something? As if she was protecting it. But what it was, I didn't have a clue.

Almost as soon as we got in, a doctor, along with one of the few dragon experts of Dragonspire came up to us. They bowed to the three of us, and we bowed back.

"M'lady, m'lord. We have both checked the dragon's behavior for the last week or so..." the doctor said, as she got out their reports.

"Her behavior is extremely uncommon for a dragon. To be curled up inside for days on end. That's just not natural for a dragon! And any time we come near her, to give her food, water, etc, she just growls at us?" The expert said, looking at his notes.

The doctor nodded, "Yeah! She almost toasted the last guy who tried to feed her."

Rain and I look at one another, very confused. "Have any fire resistance potions?" He asked around.

Elie opened her bag, and took out an orange potion, "Here dad. I whipped up a few different potions before we left. Gotta keep my potion making abilities strong!"

I smile and ruffle her brown hair, "Well good thing you made 'em! Now, back up people. Just so she doesn't actually toasts someone!" I say, and we all took a lot of steps back.
(Rain's POV:)

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