Chapter 29

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Another update :)

"How dare you!!" Colette began speaking but was quickly cut off by Olivia. The hit was massive since everyone went quiet. The only thing that could be heard was Colette's heavy breathing. Her hand was plastered on her burning cheek while Olivia had an obvious smirk on her lips

"I've always wanted to do that," she finally said as everyone recovered from what had just happened. Mr. Williams and Roger were having a stare down and everybody else just waited for any of them to speak

"What's all this William?" Roger asked his voice calm. Logan kept wondering how his father managed to keep his cool after hearing what Olivia had just found out. Maybe it had taken her some days to figure all that out but they all knew that Olivia was one sneaky woman

"Are you really gonna believe a woman who is already drowning in her hormones?" The man asked in reply. Colette was not moving, her hand was still on her cheek and she had been trying to hold back her tears

"Watch it old man, this hormones can easily strangle you," Olivia retorted not caring that she cut off her father. Roger looked at his daughter who was fighting hard to not roll her eyes. Olivia was relaxed compared to everyone in the room. Jake and Logan were confused beyond confused, their mother was still recovering from the slap that Colette had just received and the two old friends were trying to work out the situation.

"Everybody leave the room," Roger commanded but nobody left

"I don't think so, if we're gonna find out what's going then we do it here together. Besides I don't want this blonde pretender to beg her way through with her crocodile tears. We all know she's your favorite among all of us," Olivia was not backing down and Jake was enjoying the entire thing. They knew it was possible for Colette to cry her way out of the predicament she had gotten herself into. It was not the first time their father had told them that he wished Colette was part of the family.

"Am not buying all this shit. You brought me here to accuse me of theft and fraud. Do you know what could happen to me with that kind of accusation?" William had completely ignored Roger and had turned to Olivia. With her pregnant belly and her face scrunched in anger she looked more like a cartoon character.

"Williams or is it Mr. William, we have prove to show that you used your daughter to get a taste of the Smith enterprise wealth. I could call all the handy men that were involved and they'll confess all of it. But Mr. Williams do you have proof to show that all this is an accusation?" Olivia asked
"Besides you should pay the people that work for you properly. A few dollars out of my pocket and the fools were ready to blurb," she added and took a seat back down. She had done so much in that hour they had been stuck in the house that her legs were becoming weak

"Is this true Colette?" Logan had finally found the strength to speak. He walked to where Colette was standing her face turned down in shame. He touched her but she flinched looking up at him. Her eyes had smudged mascara and she looked quite ugly while crying.
"Did you try to get married to me to steal my company? Were you the pesky thief that has bothered us all this time? Is it you?" Logan kept pestering her with questions while Mr. William and roger and Olivia were in a screaming match. It was full on chaos and their mother and Jake were having the front row seats to it both of them having nothing to say

"Damn it!!! Yes!!" Colette finally snapped. She had more tears welling in her eyes but she really didn't care. All she felt was anger and hate for everyone in that room
"Yes I was the one taking money from the company and Levi was my help. He does work in the finance department after all. But I didn't want any of it. I stole it for this man. This foolish selfish man who calls himself my father. I did it for him. You think I wanted to settle down with you Logan. Fucking shit no, I don't want you and I don't want your money. I did all this to get some respect and maybe a little love from HIM but I didn't. Even after putting my life aside for him he still sees me as my mother's spoilt brat!!" she stopped and looked at Mr. William who for the first time had shock and betrayal written all over his face. He was ready to snap his daughter into two.

"I don't care anymore father," she said the word 'father' in disgust. "I am done being your little pawn in your stupid games. I am done trying to get you be a father to me. You suck at it. Mother was right, you love nobody but yourself maybe that's why you're broke now." She took deep breaths before facing the entire family. Everybody looked at her like she was a ghost. Colette was know to be rude and mean. She was the classic mean girl but nobody ever expected her to go off on her 'loving father'

"I know I'll probably be charged for all this. But before I do I'd like to apologize to everyone here. I know saying that he made me do it wont do any good but all I wanted was my father's love. Am sorry I ruined your life Logan, it was that or my father's assurance but it seems like I did it all for nothing. He's a bad man, who doesn't care about your company. I advice you Mr. Roger...

"You slut!!" Mr. William bellowed in anger and walked towards her father but before he could reach her Mr. Roger had his fist connect with the man's jaw. None of them had ever seen the man lose his cool even when the company makes a loss but here he was dropping fist after fist on William's face. He didn't stop, he spoke incoherently with every blow and only when William stopped fighting back did he stop

"I hate liars!!" he said standing up from where he had straddled William. "Get someone to clean all this up. We'll talk soon. We need to fix all this first," He said walking out. His coat had ripped but he didn't seem to care

"What just happened?" Jake and Logan both asked looking around at the mess. Mr. William was passed out on the floor. Olivia was still seated her hand intertwined with her mother's. Jake and Logan were both standing looking around and Colette had her eyes glued on her unconscious father.

"I'll get going now. If the police are to come get me I'll be in my apartment cleaning myself up," Colette said before walking out. This is not what Logan expected when he came to the house. He expected to go back home with nothing but himself but now he was standing in his father's dining room with an unconscious man on the floor and very confused too

"Olivia how did you figure all this out?" Their mother who had not said a word ever since the ruckus started finally spoke

"It's a really boring story you know. I'll keep it for the police. You guys clean all this up am going to call my husband and probably sleep afterwards." She kissed her mother's cheek and walked out.

"Do you think she'll ever tell us?" Jake asked and everybody shook their heads. Olivia was a big secret keeper. Maybe she would tell them but they'd have to do whatever she wanted before she did. And they knew she was gonna have some fun with them before she revealed how she managed to solve the issue in days

"So what do we do now?" Logan asked his mother. The woman stood up and sized both of them

"First make sure he's still alive, if he is call the police if he's not dispose the body," she said slowly walking out leaving the two brother's in complete daze.

"How are we the cleaners when we had nothing to do with all this?" Jake groaned checking the man's pulse. Logan took a deep breath fighting the urge to smile. He couldn't be mad that things went the way they did. Everything happened to his advantage. I mean he wasn't sure he was gonna keep the company but he knew that he could finally be at peace with the whole Colette situation. It was like killing two birds with one stone, he could freely be happy with Lisa and he found where the company money had been disappearing to.

"What's with that smile? You do know there a close to dead man lying here," Jake disrupted him from his thoughts.

"Let's get this over with so I can call my woman," he said as he walked towards the house phone to call the cops

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