Chapter Twelve

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You know that feeling of feeling wrong when you do something right and feeling right when you do something that you clearly know it's wrong. I have been living with this feeling ever since Logan kissed me. It felt so right, it's like something inside me clicked and now I have no control of my feelings. I know that's cheating and the worst thing is that our first kiss was when his fiancée arrived and now I just made out with him on the same day Colette has left. There must be something wrong with me? I just made Logan cheat on Colette and worst thing is that I don't feel that bad about it. I don't want be a home wrecker. No... No... No... No... I cant let that happen!!!

I am startled by a figure in front of me and I look down to find Logan staring right at me. He has his elbows on he counter holding him up and a smirk on his face

"You know that hickey is gonna take a while to fade away," He says and pecks my lips before I can say anything. I blink quickly comprehending what he just did and just like every other time I see a smirk on his face my cheeks are flushed red and I smile trying to cover it up.

"It looks really good on you," He says leaning in to kiss but it's disrupted by the microwave beeping and I quickly stand up and walk towards to take out Ella's food. I hear footsteps from behind me and the hairs on my body stand erect as goosebumps slowly start to appear

He jails me between his arms and kisses the back of my neck and for a second my mind goes blank and then a wave of fear takes over. Is he gonna think that this is another mistake? This is wrong right? I cant help but feel like I have a knife stuck in me and it's slowly piercing through my guts

"Don't think about, just forget that there's anyone called Colette because right now I only want you," He says as if reading my mind. He must have noticed how tensed my muscles had become and kisses me on the spot where I think my purple bruise stands. If he continues like this I might be able to forget that we're literally going behind Colette's back

"Logan don't you think that this is wrong," I say spinning so am ,looking at him his muscled arms still holding me between them

"Shh we both want this," He says his index finger resting on my lips. He's right....we both want this and Belle told me to live every minute to the fullest so am gonna keep doing this until we're caught. Fuck everyone else!!!

I cant believe I had gone into that room to ask him to forget our kiss ever happened so we could go back to whatever relationship we had before. I was good with him just being my crush but after what he said I kinda forgot everything. Sometimes it sucks to be me

"What are you thinking about?" His deep voice asks and I batt my eyelashes quickly ending my train of thoughts

"Nothing," I say quickly pushing him away. "Now please excuse me I have a six year to feed," I say smiling. This feels good... better even

You're a home-wrecker....

Shut up!! I mentally scold my sub conscience



Work is exhausting. Sitting in my office all day going through contracts and attending meetings that last for like two hours just talking about something that am not interested in, but knowing that am going back home to find Lisa and my daughter is helping get rid of some bit of exhaustion. I didn't think that I'd be saying this but am a cheater...a big lying bastard or whatever you decide to call it

I know that everything is moving so fast. Within the first month of her being Ella's nanny I have already kissed her twice and made out, I gave her fucking hickeys for Godssake!! But that's not the issue here, the issue is that I might have to call off the engagement and break Colette's heart if she even has one and I have to explain to my grumpy father that I'll not be marrying the girl he's always set aside for me

That will have to come sometime later, for now let me enjoy the time I get to spend with Lisa. She's only around for six months, five to be exact and am praying that a lot will have changed by the time our contract ends

"Sir are you together with us," the raspy voice of the old man presenting his project brings me back to reality

"Yes of course," I say placing the pen I had in my hand on the large conference desk. I have been seated here for almost an hour
"Please go on,"

I say blacking out again back to the memories of Lisa

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I know it's short coz am having exams and I have to read for them but I promise the next chapters will be longer and I'll make a schedule on when I'll be updating the next two chapters...thank you

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