Chapter 24

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I wake up feeling tired, we had gone on and on till I passed out. I wasn't shocked when I found that he wasn't beside me but it hurt. He was behaving weirdly, he was not himself even during the sex. He was mostly rough didn't give me much time to breath as he was thrusting in me. And he didn't assure me in any way. I sit up feeling sore from how hard he had been but I manage to get to the bathroom. The warm water didn't help with the nervousness that was eating me up. It was then that my mind thought of Ella, I had not seen her when I walked in and even when I was calling out for Logan she didn't appear anywhere. Did he leave her at her grandparents?

She couldn't have been asleep in her room coz we would have woken her up coz of how loud we were. I stand in the shower for a while longer letting the water wash away my fatigue before getting out and wearing one of Logan's shirts and a pair of his shorts

The house seemed empty, they was pin drop silence. Had he left? was he in his office? Instead of going to the kitchen to get a glass of water I walk straight to his office

"Logan," I call his name as I knock on the door and even without a reply I slowly open it peeping to see if he was in there. He was seated on his chair a glass of whiskey in front of him and his head in his hands. I wished he could talk to me and tell me what had happened, I wanted to be there for him and he wasn't giving me a chance
"Logan are you alright?" I ask getting closer to him. He looks up at me, his sad expression fading but still no smile for me

"Come," he say stretching out his hand. He pulls me to him sitting me on his lap, "How are you feeling?" he asks. His voice is raspy probably from all the alcohol he had consumed and I could smell it on his clothes

"I wanna know how you are feeling," I reply my hands going around his neck. I was sore of course but that was nothing compared to whatever he going through
"Please just talk to me," I say feeling my tears well up in my eyes. I couldn't control it. Seeing him like this broke me and knowing it was my fault and he wouldn't let me feel it with him

He looks at me his sadness flowing back in, he buries his head in the crook of my neck taking a deep breath
"You smell nice,"

"Logan," He was trying to change the subject but I wasn't with it, "It's just your body wash," I turn to look at him making him look at me too and I gasp. He was crying, he had tears flowing down his cheeks the first time I have seen him like this

"Baby please, let me be there for you," I say not wanting my sobs to trigger him. He looks at me more tears running down his cheeks and the next thing I know he's kissing me pushing his tongue in my mouth and forcing mine into play. I don't resist it though but this is not how I want to be there for him. I fight the thoughts that he might just be using me to feel better and dive into the kiss cupping his cheeks in my hand and going at the pace he wants

"Don't leave me," he says letting go of my lips and resting his forehead on mine. The words pierced through my heart, he was broken, his voice was shaky just like when I had called him. He was a whole different person and I didn't know what to do but hold him in my arms. Why couldn't he just talk to me

"Am right here baby," I say holding him as tight as he had wrapped his arms around me, "But please just tell me what happened, it pains just seeing you like this, please," I say between my sobs I wanted him to open up but forcing it out of him wasn't the way to go so I had to be patient

"I told him," he finally says after a long while of silence. "He didn't like it and he's going to do something to make submit to him again," he continues before I can say anything. I didn't know what to say, all of this was my fault. He was like this because of me

"Lisa," he calls bringing me back to reality, "Baby it's alright," he snaps me out of the trance making me realize that I was crying out loud. I am supposed to be the strong one but here I am crying like a baby

"Am letting go of the company, it's either that or I get married to Colette," he says wiping the tears on my face with his thumbs. "And then am gonna move out and we can start over,"

I look at him my eyes wide. I wasn't worth all of that. He had Ella, he had worked his ass off for that company and he was gonna throw all of it away because of me. I couldn't bare all that, I couldn't bare to see him start over. Where was he even gonna begin and moving out, what about Ella

"You cant do that," I find myself saying, "Logan you cant do that," I say standing up from his lap. I couldn't allow him to do that. We had not even known each other for that long
"Please don't, think about Ella and that company. Am not wort all that Logan. I cant have you start over when you have already come this far,"

"Lisa where's all this coming from," he says standing up to and following me. I take a step back but am hindered by the wall so am pinned on it
"Why are you thinking like this?"

"Logan just think about it, I'll still be in your life. Your life is great and it was great even before me and I cant handle the thought that you lost all of that because of me," His arm goes around my waist pulling me towards him. He brushes my hair off my face cupping my cheek with his other hand

"We will work this out, please," I could feel how desperate he was. I couldn't seem to make up my mind. I wanted him all to myself, I wanted us to be together but at the same time he was loosing everything because of me

"Logan," I whisper looking at him. He was broken and he was holding on to me like I was gonna run. God, I loved him so much

"I don't care if you slept with another man just please," he says surprising me and for a second I forget the situation we are in.

"What?!!" I say pushing him away from me.

"Weren't you with a man last night," he says his voice and face void of emotions. I loo at him trying to comprehend what he was talking about and how he even knew

"I was but I did not cheat on you, I was drunk and...

"WHERE IS THAT WHORE!!" We are distracted by a sharp voice coming from the hallways and seconds later Colette is barging in the office

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