Chapter Twenty

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"You could have just let me talk to her," Olivia says her hand on her back as she supports her extra weight

"God, you are big," I say looking at her protruding stomach. She was at least seven months pregnant and it was already eating her up. She had gained more weight coz of the twins and she looked tired almost all the time even though she barely did anything in the house

"I would smack you right now, but am too tired from climbing all those stairs. They should have an elevator installed just for me to move around here

"Or just hire someone to carry you around to wherever you wanna go," I add and before I know it she's hitting me on my shoulder

"Stop changing the subject, by the smile you had on I know that's not Colette you were talking to," she says placing a pillow on the headboard so as to sit comfortably beside me

"I am not telling you anything Olivia, this pregnancy has made you a blurber mouth anything you're told goes straight to mom," I say and she pouts. It was true though, she didn't have that many friends to gossip with and when her husband was off on some trip she would spend the time with mom since she owned her own business.

"I do not," she defends herself trying to play innocent

"I have records, I could tell you all of the things I have told and later received a call from mum just to confirm if it's true," she rolls her eyes laughing hitting me again but this time with a pillow

"But seriously Logan, how are you gonna handle all this?" I had been asking myself the same question since I got to the house and I still had no solution. How was I going to tell my father that I wanted to marry someone else, that the woman he has been pushing me to marry is too far away from my mind and anytime I think of her she becomes a nuisance. My relationship with my father is not the best, it's not even close to good. He has always been a strict man, grooming his sons to take over the company, well he groomed my brother but he rebelled and started doing his own thing

My desperation to be on dad's good side made me do all this, I brought all this to myself because I couldn't handle my father calling me a disappointment again, I agreed to take over the family business, what I didn't know was that I could barely make my own decisions. He made them for me, all because of the family name which was stupid and irritating

"You're getting angry," my sister's voice brings me back to my bedroom. She is looking at my hand that has fisted the sheets, if not for those I would probably have nail marks on my palm
"You know how dad is and you have to make sure that you are ready to tell him all this, it's a huge decision for you because for once you're not the puppet he plays around with. You're telling him no for the first time and we both know it's not gonna go well,"

She says her hand falling on mine and squeezing it. Olivia understood me. She didn't have a good relationship with dad either, one of the reasons being she was born a girl. And being born as a girl to such a backward father has it's struggles too that is why she decided she didn't want anything to do with our company and started her own business which is now very successful

"I know Olivia," I say sighing

"And you might be risking everything you've ever worked especially once he hears that it's the nanny you're choosing over the glorious wonderful learned and beautiful Miss Colette," she says imitating Colette's voice as she describes her which makes both of us laugh

"Take your time Logan, don't rush anything. Make sure you've thought everything through and whatever happens am on your side because that man is more of a monster to me than he is a father," she says her words stinging right through me. We all knew that. The only thing on my father's mind was money, the family name and more money. Nothing else mattered to him, not even his wife who has been able to tolerate his societal shallowness

Olivia scooches loser to me laying her head on my chest and closing her eyes. It calmed me since she couldn't hug me right with her big belly between us

"When are you due by the way?" I ask breaking the silence

"In like two months, it feels like I have been carrying these girls for years. I just want them to come so I can sleep right," she complains making me laugh. My hand goes around her making her fully comfortable on my chest. I kiss her forehead hoping to make feel better. It's mostly me and her because mum has almost been corrupted by the old man so anything he says goes even when she know it's wrong

"It's gonna be alright for both of us and just by any chance I am disowned we are coming to camp at your place until we find a way out," I say making her laugh her whole body shaking on me

"I'll be sure to tell Derek to prepare for company, you are welcome. Will your sweet nanny be coming too?" she asks raising her head to look at me stifling her laughter

"Shut up and go to sleep," I say pushing her head back on my chest making her burst into laughter. Within a few minutes her breaths have become even and she's already asleep leaving to my thoughts. I take my phone and start going through my gallery.

Her smile calms me, the way she gets along with Ella and how she manages to make every situation bearable. I miss her so much and I want to feel what I feel for her forever without caring what anyone says or if someone is gonna barge into our house and find us humping

She's so beautiful and I want her to be mine alone and all that depends on me. It is time for me to say no to the man I call father. He wont like it but at least I will have my paradise with me. Thinking it is so much easier than actually doing it. I am tension and nervous, who would have known that still at my age I would be scared of my father. I laugh at the thought making Olivia turn in her sleep her head no longer on my chest so I take the chance and head out


Being back home was a great relief, it was like taking a break from the city. The air was clean and there was no noise and although I live in a secluded place it doesn't feel the same as this, it is still the city

I take a deep breath deciding to take a walk before someone notices me and starts asking questions. The woods were not as thick and there were barely any animals in them, they couldn't even dare to live here because of the man who lives just close by, he's a killer

Spots one deer and the next thing it's head is part of a collection. The air is vibrant and calm but my thoughts are not. My mind is all over, switching from Lisa to Colette to my father, it should be so easy to go for what I want but facing my father is the hardest part. As long as I manage to keep my cool then he wont be able to spot my fear coz if he does he's gonna start a lecture on how I should behave and how a man from his family behaves

"Lets just see how dinner tonight goes," I mumble to myself going deeper into the woods praying that a walk will help with whatever is about to happen

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