He breaks up with you because he's worried about your safety: Chance

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After the Swat Kats last mission, something in Chance changed. You could tell by his behavior and how he acted, he was distant and cold. Not his usual cocky, confident self that you had grown to love. You went over all the possibilities. Did he fall out of love? No, he would have told you. Is he cheating? No, he's not the type.

As you sat on the couch, thinking of what could possibly be bothering him, the phone rang. You got up and answered, "Hello, Y/n l/n speaking."

"Hey Y/n..." It was Chance, you smiled, but it quickly faded when you heard the seriousness in his voice, "Hey hun, what's going on?" You heard him sigh, almost as if he was contemplating his next words.

"Can you come down to the scrap yard? We need to talk." Your heart dropped, what could he possibly want to talk about that made him this upset?

"Y-Yeah sure, I'm on my way." You said and then hung up. You swallowed the lump in your throat and grabbed your keys.


You arrived at the scrap yard, the feeling of utter dread burned in your stomach. You got out and walked in, spotting Jake on the couch.

"Hey Jake, where is Chance? He said he wanted to talk." Jake gave you a sad look and gestured over to Chance's room, "He's in his room." He said. You thanked him and walked in.

When you walked in, Chance was sitting on his bed with his hands folded. You hesitantly sat next to him, "What's going on Chance? You've been so different lately." You said. Chance fiddled with his hands.

"Y/n... I think... I think it's best that we break up." All your fears had just been confirmed. Your heart snapped and tears threatened to spill from your e/c eyes.

"W-What? Why!?" You asked, your voice cracking. He sighed, trying to hold back his own tears. "Our last fight with Dark Kat made me realize that us being together puts you in too much danger... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you got hurt, or worse."

You shook your head, "Chance don't do this..." you whispered, heart broken. He shook his head, "I have to, you can't be put in harms way any longer. I'm sorry." He said softly.

You let out a broke sob and rushed out, ignoring Chance's calls for you. You ran out, not even saying a goodbye to Jake, who heard the entire thing. You rushed out to your car and drove away, not looking back once.

As soon as you got back to your apartment, you ran inside and locked the door. Throwing yourself on to your couch and sobbing. When you thought you were done, you cried more.

You knew now what the expression "falling in love" really meant. As you're falling, you get that thrill, that rush of adrenaline that you love.

But you don't realize how bad love can hurt until you hit the ground.

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