He visits you ( jake/razor)

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You were reading a book and listening to the radio when you heard a knock on the door. You put the book down and got up to answer it, you smiled when you saw Jake standing there.

"Hey Jake, what brings you here?" You asked. Jake scratched the back of his neck and sheepishly smiled, "I was just close by and thought I should stop and say hey." You giggled. He was always handsome, you knew him back before he and Chance became enforcers.

You were really bummed out when you heard about the incident with Enforcer Headquarters. Jake and Chance would have been great as enforcers. But, you didn't bring it up any. You knew how upset he was.

"Would you like to come in?" You asked, gesturing to the inside of your apartment. He shook his head, "I don't want to intrude..."  You giggled and shook your head, "It's okay, I don't mind." Jake smiled and hesitantly walked in. You shut the door behind him and walked into your kitchen.

"Nice place you got here." Jake said, scanning over your one bedroom apartment. You sighed, "It's a little messy right now. I got caught up in my book." He waved his hand, "If this is messy, then you really don't want to see Mine and Chance's place." He laughed.

You giggled and picked up some of the books you had placed all around.


It came time for Jake to head home. You didn't want him to leave, you enjoyed his company and just him in general, but Jake said he needed to get back before Chance got worried.

You smiled, "Be safe heading back." You said before shutting the door. "I always am." Jake replied back, smiling. You giggled and shut the door. As Jake walked down the stairs, he sighed dreamily as you clouded his thoughts.

You headed into your kitchen to get something to eat and smiled madly as you thought of nothing but Jake.

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