Popping the question!? (Chance)

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Chance had been acting weird for the past two weeks. He wasn't being rude or distant, just weird. Every time you two were together, he would randomly stop talking and just get a look in his eyes like he wanted to ask something, but it was almost like he didn't know what to say. One day he called you and asked if you wanted to go on a date night to a new restaurant that had just opened. You had been dying to go there so you happily agreed.


You took one last glance in the mirror and grabbed your purse, skipping over to the door to see a dressed up and very nervous looking Chance. "You ready to go?" You asked. He nodded and held out his hand for you to take. You smiled and held his hand as you two made your way to the truck. As you drove down the street, you decided to ask Chance what had been on his mind, "So hun, anything on your mind?" He glanced at you, "Whatcha mean?" You shrugged, "Just seems like something has been bothering you lately."

He shook his head, "I'm fine, just something on my mind." You sighed and nodded; you had a feeling that was all you were going to get out of him. The rest of the ride was somewhat quiet. You and Chance had talked a little bit about the day each of you had and then fell into a comfortable silence. 

Once you had arrived at the restaurant, Chance had rushed over to open the door and hold out his hand for you. You giggled, taking his hand and hopping out of the truck, "Thank you, kind sir." You said jokingly. Chance smiled as he hooked your arm around his, "Anything for such a fine lady." 

Stepping inside, you had to admit, this place was fancy. Especially for someone like Chance. What was he trying to go all out for? You wondered to yourself as a waiter showed you to the table. "Alright, what's going on Chance?" You asked as he pushed your seat up to the table. He gave you a confused, somewhat nervous look, "What do you mean?" He asked. You gestured around, "This isn't exactly the type of place we would normally go to. Not that I'm complaining, I love it." You said, gesturing around you. 

Chance fiddled with his fingers, "I-I just thought that we could try something nice tonight." He quickly said, looking away. You raised an eyebrow but said nothing else. After being with Chance for some time, you could read him like a book. He was hiding something, that was obvious. He was extremely nervous too, which through you off. Chance Furlong wasn't one to get nervous. He saved the city on a regular basis from monsters and psychopaths, so what was eating at him so badly? 

Dinner went by smoothly. You two talked and joked like you always do. Then, Chance got that look in his eyes again, but this time he took a deep breath and looked up at you. "Y/n, we've been together for a while, haven't we?" He began. You smiled and sipped on your water, "I would say we have, yes." You replied, smiling at him. He laughed nervously and it looked like he was fumbling with something under the table. 

Your heart leapt into your throat as he pushed himself from the table and got down on his knee, taking your hand in his, "Having the support of the people in this city is nice, but you're the one I want by my side. Will you marry me?" He asked, his voice shaking a bit as he pulled out a small box. A small, but beautiful ring sitting inside. 

You sat there, mouth agape. You looked back into his eyes, a mix of worry and hope looked back. Finally finding your voice, "y-yes..." You said barely above a whisper. Chance looked back, a little confused, "W-What?" He asked. You took a deep breath, "Yes. Yes, I will." You said again, a smile spreading across your face. Chance's face broke out into an even bigger smiled and he slid the ring on to your finger and hopped up, wrapping his arms around you. 

Suddenly, cheers irrupted around the two of you. You hadn't even realized half the restaurant had been silently watching, waiting for your response. That, however, didn't matter. All that matter right now was Chance, your fiancé. The word bringing a wave of butterflies into your stomach as you hugged him tighter. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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